Chapter 26

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*Will's POV*

It's been days, maybe a week. I don't even know anymore. I felt sick all the time. Most of my days were spent helplessly searching for my sunshine. While my nights I spent in her room, crying and drinking away my sorrows.

I knew Dom would never hurt her, he thought he loved her. But that didn't ease my worries for her and her safety.

We were constantly being questioned by the police and tried our best to give them all the information we had on Dom. But it was no use, they had left no trace for us. For all we know they could be in Italy by now, and that just buried me deeper into my pit of misery.

As cliche as it sounds, I literally couldn't live without her. She was my sunshine, the only thing light in my world of darkness. I drank often and drowned myself in my sadness as I sat in her room remembering all our times together.

Everyone else wasn't doing much better. Riley, Katie and Diana didn't speak to us at all over the past days. They attempted to help the police to find her but it didn't help. Kris and Blake kept trying to get ahold of their parents but there was never an answer. Anthony was angry, the smallest thing would set him off and send him out of the house and into the woods. Aaron went home to our house, not being able to take the heat. Our Mum came over everyday and forced us out of bed and to eat. None of us even thought about school, there was no point anyway we were almost done. Blake still attended work and came home late and drunk, Vanessa tried to help us all but we were all to miserable to listen.

None of us had seen Hunter or Hector since Carter's disappearance. I hadn't realized it until my meeting at the station.

"Do you have any other suspects you'd like to mention?" Officer Bradley asked. He was a tall, buff middle aged man with dark hair and dark eyes. He was a friend of Blake's and was eager to help after hearing of the young Bennett's disappearance.

I thought about it for a moment, leaning back against the hard chair. "There are two people who have a history with Carter." I say. Officer Bradley nodded taking out his pad of paper and urging me on. I sighed before beginning. "A boy name Hector at our school got into a fight with Carter. She was standing up for a girl he was bullying and he punched her in the face, knocking her out. He was suspended but returned to school the next week. We haven't seen him since Carter's disappearance."

It was the first time I realized how foreign Carter's name sounded on my tongue. I had always called her my sunshine, saying her name felt different and uncomfortable. But I had to keep this meeting formal.

"Then there was a new student at our school, Hunter, was his name. Knowing Carter's history we watched him carefully. But Carter convinced us he was no threat to her and we became friends. It wasn't until Carter's birthday, the night she disappeared, that he stepped out of line. He knew about her parents and how they abandoned her and her brothers, yet he had the nerve to ask if they still lived here. Naturally Carter was pissed and ran up to her room to blow of some steam. We kicked Hunter out of the house and waited around until Kris went upstairs to check on Carter. He came down with the note from Dominic. We having seen Hunter, Hector or Dom since."

"Thank you Mr. Aston for your corporation during these times. This information should help us find Carter." Said officer Bradley as he wrote on his note pad. I sighed and nodded before saying goodbye and walking out of the office. Anthony sat outside waiting for me with his head buried in his hands. He looked up when he felt my presence and followed me out of the station.

As we got to our car, we climbed in and I started driving. We sat in silence, neither of us having no clue where I was driving. Being twins had its advantages. We shared a common bond, we'll both of us having the same genes did make us similar. Uhh! When did I get all sciencey and crap!?

The Boy ✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt