Chapter 32

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Last chapter!


*Carter's POV*


All I felt was pain.

It consumed my body and pulsed through my veins.

There was no stopping it, it traveled with my blood.

I couldn't live without blood.

I couldn't live without pain.

Everyone in life feels pain, at one time or another.

Whether it's external or internal, everyone feels pain. Everyone hurts.

I was hurting. My body hurt, my heart hurt.

I hurt.

I lay on the hospital bed alone, no one else in the room. I had woken up 20 minutes ago, yet I hadn't bothered to call the nurse. I was hurting, I needed time alone before people flooded the room.

I don't even remember what happened. The last thing I remember was Val shooting the gun and a flash before me. Nothing else.

Suddenly the door burst open revealing a young nurse with red hair and soft brown eyes.

Her eyes widened as she stared at me. "You're awake!" She exclaimed before running towards me. "You're actually awake."

"Yeah." I said, my voice rough and scratchy.

"Oh right." The nurse giggled before grabbing a cup of water and helping me drink a few sips. "There you go." She smiled. "Now, how are you feeling?" She asks.

"I'm alright. Confused, but alright." I say with a shrug as I try to sit up when a piercing pain floods my arm. I groan and look down to see a bandage wrapped around my left arm. "What happened? Is that where the bullet hit?" I ask.

The nurse purses her lips before walking slowly toward the door. "You have family here, I'll let them explain." She said before walking away quickly.

I lay on the bed alone, again. Feeling more pain from my irritated arm.

"Carter?" I turn to see Kris, Blake, Vanessa, Riley and Katie standing at the doorway.

"Hi." I cough.

"Oh my gosh!" Riley and Katie exclaim in unison as they rush toward me. They both burst into tears making me raise an eyebrow.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Carter," Kris sighs, walking forward and grabbing my hand. "You were in a medical induced coma, they told us you might not wake up." He said sniffling.

"Coma? From a bullet?" I ask confused. I'd been shot, it's not like I had brain surgery. Did I have brain surgery?

"You had an allergic reaction to the medication they put you on before you entered surgery to remove the bullet." Vanessa explained.

I sighed in relief. "How long was I out for?"

"A month." Blake says, not making eye contact with me.

"Where's everyone else? Where's Will?" I ask.

Everyone shares a look making my nausea grow. "Where's William!?" I shout.

"Carter-" Riley says trying to calm me down.

"Don't Carter me! Where's my boyfriend!?" I shout as tears fall down my face.

"Carter! Carter, calm down! Will's fine." Kris says rubbing my hand.

"Then where is he?" I sobbed.

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