Chapter 2

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*Carters POV*

I love my house. It's the perfect size for my family. Blake is going to one of the top culinary schools in the state and will be graduating in a few weeks. He's the cook in our house and he's very good at it. I love the meals he makes for us. Blake is probably the responsible one, he cooks and Kris and I clean. It works very well actually. My brothers are considered my legal guardians considering we haven't seen our parents for about 5 years.

Tonight Blake is making tomato basil chicken. It's basically chicken and pasta with a tomato and basil sauce. It's one of my favorites. While Kris is doing one of his online classes, Blake and I set the table. We're all big milk drinkers in our house. We almost never have soda here. I pour the glasses of milk while Blake finishes cooking.

"How was school?" Blake asks me.

"It was fine. The principal thought Kris was trying to take me home for who knows what, but then he told her we were siblings. It was really awkward. Other than that it was fine. You know, school is school," I reply smiling at him. "How was class?"

"Well, well look who's taking an interest in my school now," he says with a smirk. I just roll my eyes and put the drinks on the table. "Do you remember that dish I made? The one with the grilled pork?" he asks. I nod remembering the delicious meal. "Well we got our grades back for that and of-course I got an A+. And for the homemade salsa I got an A. He said it was a little spicy." I smile at him. It's nice that he's getting good grades doing the thing he loves.

We eat dinner as Kris tells us about his first day as a sub. "Those 9th grade girls are complete wimps!" he tells us. "We're dissecting frogs in class and they won't even touch it with gloves on! I said if they didn't touch it I would have to fail them, and they would have to go to summer school. That seemed to do the trick," he says with a proud smile on his face.

"How are the other teachers?" Blake asks shoving another fork full of pasta down.

"They're-" he starts but I interrupt him.

"Kris likes my principal!" I blurt out. Kris gives me a dirty look and Blake practically chokes on his food.

"What!?" he demands turning his attention to Kris.

"What do you mean what?" Kris replies. "She's only a few months older than me, and she's nice, funny and smart. I don't see what the problem is!"

"The problem is what if you start dating her, she makes you a full time teacher, then you dump her, you're fired and next thing you know you're working at the gas station for minimum wage!" Blake is yelling now. I know it's a bad idea dating your boss, but I don't think that it would be that bad.

"You're overreacting! I don't even know if she likes me! And if she did I most likely wouldn't dump her. I maybe would ask her to marry me!" Kris says his face red with anger.

I almost choke at his last statement. "Hold on! So you want my principal to be my sister in-law?" I am practically shouting. They both turn their heads to look at me. I stare at them and can feel myself getting angry. I always knew one of them would get married someday. Blake is in a serious relationship right now with Vanessa (Riley's older sister) and he said he was planning to propose soon. It wasn't awkward having Blake date Vanessa. But Kris dating my principal? That would be extremely weird.

I was really angry now. I had already finished my dinner so I stood up and went upstairs to my room.

A few minutes later Kris knocked on the door. He peeked his head in and asked, "Hey can we talk? I think I have some explaining to do." He sat down in the chair in the corner of my room. "Listen," he said "I'm not planning to marry your principal right away, or possibly ever. If I'm ever going to marry her, I'll make sure you're already in college so she's not your principal." I appreciate the effort he's trying to make so I smile.

"Promise?" I ask him.

"I promise," he tells me. I stand up and walk over to him, giving him a big hug. Then I feel a second pair of arms around us. I look up to see Blake has joined our group hug.

As we break away from our hug I smirk, "Alright now get out of my room." I push them out. We all laugh as I seal the door. I smile to myself. I really love my family.

Well the family that I do have. I walk over to my dresser looking at the pictures of my parents.

5 years I haven't seen them.

5 years I've grown up without parents.

5 years we've had no clue where in the world our parents are.

I sigh placing the picture in its original spot before processing to get ready for bed.

I fall asleep thinking about what it would be like having my principle dating my brother.

The Boy ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora