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*Carter's POV*

10 years later...







"I'll count down from five and don't let me get to zero young men." I say sternly holding up five fingers.

Anthony, Aaron and Jared scream and run away from me. I smiled as I start to hobble after them.

"Carter!" Will shouts walking towards me and scooping me up in his arms before sitting me down on the counter. "Are you insane? You need to be resting." He says looking at me with worried eyes.

"The doctor said I can do all the things I would normally do. Chasing my idiotic family happens to be a daily task for me." I say with a smirk.

"I know, but come on Carter. You're 9 months pregnant, the baby could come at any minute, you should be resting."

"No sir!" I exclaim shaking my head and climbing slowly down off the counter. "I was running around with twins in my belly, I can run around with 1 kid in here too."

You guessed it. I'm pregnant, again.

Will and I are now 28 years old with 5 years old twin boys, Andrew and Adam. And another little girl on the way.

Will and I got married directly out of college, but he proposed at our little high school graduation party (which was so adorable and romantic).

Over the years we had been growing strong. But of course there was a small break in our relationship in the middle of college when I threw a bowl of fruit loops at him. I was sleep deprived and angry so don't blame me.

The rest of our family has been growing even bigger.

Blake and Vanessa got married during my freshmen year in collage and now have two beautiful little girls.

Kris and Sharna also got married and now are co-principles of my formal high school. It broke my heart to find out that Sharna wasn't able to have kids, but the two are planning to adopt a little boy soon.

Anthony and Riley also ended up together and are getting married in the spring. The two had a few bumps in their relationship because of Anthony's previous player ways. But Riley changed the poophead and now he's completely in love with her and only her.

Hunter and Katie also somehow ended up together, don't ask me how even I have no idea. But the two are going strong and are engaged with twins on the way.

Diana and Matt broke up sadly and I haven't seen Diana in years. As soon as she graduated med school she left the country and hasn't been back. Matt however, has started his own small ATV business up north and is very happy.

Harry moved to England with his father and attended college there. Where he met the love of his life, the two are married and traveling the world before the decide to settle down and have kids of their own.

As for Hector I don't know what to say. He's been in and out of jail because of drugs and alcohol. But he finally went to rehab and has been sober for about 3 months now.

Val is still in jail but will be released in 5 years. It scares me to know that he'll be back in the world again. But I did get a restraining order, but knowing Val he will break it.

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