Chapter 3

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*Will's POV*

I see her around school sometimes and in some of my classes, she's always hanging out with her friends. Her hair is long and flows down her back like a auburn silky river, it looks so soft. Beautiful. Her green eyes are sweet but intense. Lovely. She's so small and petite. Adorable. I knew I had found the one, the girl for me. I would date her.

I had only dated around 7 girls throughout my years of high school. Sure they were all beautiful and sweet. But their was something missing, they didn't have any spark in them. They weren't Carter.

No one will tell me the Carter's last name, if only I had home room with her. I told my friends that I really like her, but they only laugh. I can't even count how many times they've told me to just man up and talk to her. And that's what I'm planning to do. At the black and white dance, I'll find her. I wouldn't be able to miss her with those eyes. I can already tell that without her my life won't be complete. I need her. I'll get her. One day soon, she will be mine.

"Yo, dude you've been zoned out for the past like 10 minutes."

I look up to my best friend Harry. We've known each other since elementary school, we became best friends at our first meeting. We convinced each other to try out for football. Helped each other through family issues. Been there for each other over the years. It was always me and him, sure there were our other friends. But we were always the closest friends.

"Yeah sorry I just... zoned out." I reply turning back Carter. I followed her every move as she got up out of her seat and left the cafeteria. I sighed looking back down at my food.

"Dude you are so whipped." Harry says laughing as he pats me on the back.

"Shut up." I say picking up my lunch and walking away.

"Hey Will." I turn facing Giana... something, I'm not good with last names. "So you got a date to the dance yet?" She asks sliding her hand up and down my arm.

I pick her hand off of my skin and drop it by her side. "I'm going dateless this year."

So you can dance with Carter.

"Oh... well make sure to save me a dance." She says winking before whipping her long blonde hair around. Swaying her hips as she walks away.

"Definitely." I say before turning around and starting out into the hallways. "Not." I add rolling my eyes. But my attitude is short lived as I see Carter walking down the hall with her friends by her sides.

"God." I murmur under my breath.

"Whipped." Someone whispers in my ear.

I whip around facing my best friend. "Just shut up." I say smacking him on the back of the head.

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