Chapter 13

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*Carter's POV*

April vacation passed by in a blur. It was the same thing almost everyday. Eat, go out on the ATV's, eat again, talk to Will, then sleep and repeat. All and all it was a great week, well... except for our last day. That was quite awkward.

It started out like the other days, perfectly normal. I ate my bowl of cereal quickly in the morning, I was planning to leave early in the morning with the girls to go out on the ATV's before we leave to head back home. It was a little past 8 in the morning when we made it out of the house. We had told the boys we were going out last night. They of course were still sleeping by the time we left. I walked outside in a pair jean shorts and a light coat. I grabbed my hiking boots from the porch. The girls and I walked over to the shed to grab the ATV's. Riley and Katie were chatting no stop about everything and anything.

While they were gossiping I was thinking about the one person I made an effort to talk to every day I was up north.


Ever since I forgot to reply to his text, I've felt so bad. I knew he was going to tease me about it for the rest of my life and I was fine with that. What I wasn't fine with was the fact that I hurt his feelings. Saying that you miss someone typically isn't that big of a step in a relationship but for us it was. And not replying to the first time he told me that was a big mistake. Even if he didn't admit it I knew I hurt his feelings. Since then I had made sure to call him every single day. I also made sure my phone was at full volume so I could hear my ringtone go off if he was calling.

"Carter? Carter!" I shock my head a little turning to see Riley and Katie looking at me with full concern. "You okay there? You zoned out on us." Says Riley her voice calm although it was clear she was worried about me.

"I'm fine, I was just thinking." I reply quickening my pace so I could get to the shed without having to continue the conversation.

I reached the big red shed that resembled a small barn. It took all of my might to pull the big sliding door out of the way. I walked inside inhaling deeply taking in the sent of old wood and oil from the bikes. I smiled walking to the back to find my own bike. It was a black 4 wheeler with a yellow lightning bolt on both sides. Katie and Riley each had ones a tad smaller than mine. Katie's was black and red; while Riley's was black and blue.

I walk around to the back of my ATV and start pushing it out of the shed. It was quite heavy. Noticing I was struggling the girls came over and helped my push it out. We repeated the process with their bikes as well. It took us about 15 minutes but we got the bikes out. The boys requested that we be home by 10:00 which gave us around an hour and a half to explore the trails. Not that there was much exploring to do. All 5 of us had memorized the trails years ago. We had been all over the paths, and on every possible route.

I hoped on my bike checking to make sure I had enough gas to last me the trip. Then I started the engine. The electric hum beneath me brought back so many good memories from when I was a kid and I was first learning how to drive. I pressed on the gas revving the engine, then took off on my way down the trail. I could hear the girls bikes behind mine. They were a little ways behind me; but not so far off that they wouldn't know where I was going.

I sighed breathing in the cool spring air as it brushed against my face, sending my hair flying behind me. I had opted to where my hair down, I always did when I was biking. The feel of my hair flying behind me as I spend through the forest was an imaginable feeling. It was pure bliss.

After biking for well past a half hour I heard a call from behind me. I slowed down to a stop and turned around. Riley and Katie were approaching me, Riley still yelling at me to stop. They slowed down as they reached me. I hoped down from my sitting position atop the bike and walked over to where they to were getting off their bikes.

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