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My name is Carter Bennett. I'm 17 years old and so far my life has been almost perfect. This year I'm in 12th grade (almost done with high school. Finally.) Most girls think high school is... hard. But high school for me has been fine. I haven't had any major mishaps in my life so far. Besides my parents leaving.

I live in the small town of Waterville, Vermont with my two older brothers.

Kris and Blake are 24 year-old twins. They're both in college right now, but they still live at home. My brothers are really nice to me. They taught me tricks on how get through high school. Like in Ms. Cook's 9th grade english class, they told me to sit in the back of the room because she spits when she speaks. Sure enough the kids in the first row were showered in saliva on the first day.

Blake is dating a really nice girl named Vanessa, who is the older sister of my best friend Riley.

Riley and I have been best friends for as long as I can remember. When she's in class she almost never raises her hand, but she always knows the answers. In class she may be shy, but outside of school she's almost a completely different person. Riley is loud, talkative and really funny when she wants to be.

Riley and I mostly hang out with our other best friend, Katie. She's so smart and shy, she's incredibly anti-social and barely talks to people outside our group.

I wouldn't say we were popular, but we were known around the school. Katie and Riley were known for being shy and quite. While I was known for being sarcastic and crazy. 

We live in a rather large house for my brothers and I. My room is painted bright blue, with a queen sized bed and a blue and green comforter. My room is really large for just me. It sometimes makes me feel even smaller than I normally do.

In the summer we take our ATVs to the hiking trails, my brothers, friends and I spend a few weeks in our cabin as well as some time there during spring vacation.

My life was perfect, besides the fact that I had no older guidance beside my brothers. My parents had left as soon as my brothers turned 18. The only time they came to visit was when I had a mental break down after they left. We haven't heard from them in years. They traveled the world as doctors helping people everywhere who couldn't afford proper medical care. I was proud to say my parents were making a difference in the world. It made me mad sometimes about how selfish I had been when they had first left. I had wanted them to stay with me an my brothers, to guide us through life. But once I became old enough to understand what a difference thy were making, I was almost happy they left. Keyword, almost. I was still wishing they were here sometimes.

But there wasn't anything I could do besides live my life.

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