Chapter 8

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*Wills POV*

"Carter! Carter!" I shout her name but there is no response. She's still breathing but her eyes are closed. Riley, Katie and Diana have now rushed over. "Riley go get the principle! Diana and Katie go to the office and see if you can call Kris!" I yell, we need to get Carter some help. The girls nodded and left to get the teachers.

After a moment I realize that Hector is still standing behind us. I turn to face him his face is pale, he was a shocked look on his face. "I-I didn't mean to. I-I just-"

"Save it Hector don't you see what you did to her!" I shout. "None of this would have happened if you hadn't tripped Diana in the first place!" I'm so agitated at Hector. I need to get out of here, I bend down and pick Carter up in my arms. She's so light I have no trouble carrying her. I start out of the cafeteria, when my path is interrupted by the girls and the principle.

"Hello Will." Says the principle "Would you mind dropping Carter of at the nurse."

"Sure Dr.Samuelson." I reply starting down the hallway

"Oh Will I almost forgot. Could you come down to my office after to discus this situation." I turn around to face her. I was still mad at Hector. I didn't think I could talk about what had just happened without wanting to punch something. Although I didn't want to talk about what happened I knew I had to. Or else Hector might not get the punishment he deserved.

"Um... yeah I'll be down there after I bring Carter to the nurse." I reply turning around to go back down the hall.

"Will," says the principle making me turn around. "I understand if you're upset about all of this. But I need to know what happened to Carter."

"Yeah, yeah I understand." I say turning and rush down the hallway to get Carter to the nurse. I was truly worried about her. She still hasn't woken up. I stare down at her beautiful face, the green eyes of hers that I longed to see were covered b her eyelids. Not seeing her eyes only made me angrier at Hector. Why would he do that to her? All she did was stand up for his ex that he was bullying! I should have gone with her. None of this would have happened if I had gone with Carter to help Diana. Now that I think about it I wonder why didn't I follow her.

What had stopped me?

Was I embarrassed that Carter was my girlfriend? No, in fact I wanted the whole school to know we were together. After waiting to find out her identity, I wanted to scream with joy letting everyone know that I liked her and she was mine.

Was I scared to face Hector? No, I could take him on any day. Although he was much taller than Carter, I was still taller than him. He wouldn't have stood a chance against me. I manage a smile at the thought.

Why? Why didn't I follow her? The answer was somewhere but I didn't know where. I felt like I was a child at an amusement park. Searching for my parents but not being able to find them.

I arrived at the nurses office. The nurse stared at the unconscious Carter in my arms. A look of shock overcame her face. She stood up from her desk and motioned for me to follow her. We entered a small room much like a doctors office. I placed Carter on the bed in the corner and turned to face the nurse.

"She was punched in the face at lunch." I explained but that only seemed to make her even more worried. "I have to go to the principle to tell her what happened. I'll ask her to explain afterwards." I say taking one last look at Carter before leaving the nurse.


"Carter did nothing!" I shout in the principles office. "She stood up for someone and you know what happened? She was punched in the face and knocked unconscious!" I was furious with Hector. I knew I had to do this so he would be punished. But I couldn't take it anymore I felt like there was steam coming out of my ears. My face was probably bright red but I didn't care. All I cared about was making sure Hector got what he deserved.

"Will." Said Dr.Samuelson "I know this is hard for you having your friend get punched for doing nothing at all. But if we don't know what happened we can't determine what Hector's punishment will be. Now what exactly happened after Carter helped Diana?"

I take a deep breath and explain how Hector grabbed her arm and yelled at her for helping Diana. And how he then hit her in the nose. I was on my way over there as soon as Hector grabbed her arm. I made sure Carter was still breathing and her heart was beating. I had sent the girls to collect the teachers. Hector had tried to apologize but I didn't except it. He hurt the girl I liked. The girl that I felt happy around. I had butterflies in my stomach when I was around her. She was so nice and cute, she was helpful and smart. She was the one girl that I thought could... could mean something to me.

Just then Dr.Samuelson received a call on her desk phone. She answered and a look of worry and confusion appeared on her face. She hung up the phone and looked at me.

"That was the nurse." She told me calmly. I stood up quickly and started towards the door. "Will hold on. Carter is fine the nurse said she will just have a black-eye for the next week or so. She called to inform me that Carter is awake and asked to she you--" whatever she was going to say I didn't hear I rushed out the door and to the nurse's office.

I entered to see the nurse was back at her desk. She looked up at me and tilted her head in the direction of Carter's room. I nodded and rushed to the door. I knocked and heard a small "come in." I opened the door to find Carter lying on the bed where I had left her. Her face was pale, her nose was red and swollen, worst of all her eye was black and blue.

"Hey." She said as I entered. I pulled up a chair beside the bed and sat down.

"How are you feeling?" I ask intertwining my large fingers with her small dainty ones.

"A little better." She says with a week smile.

"Carter I'm so sorry. This is all my fault." I stare down at my shoes.

"Hey it's not you fault at all." she says. "It's Hector's fault for being such a jerk." I look up at her she's starting right at me. "Thank you." She adds.

"For what?"

"For being there for me when I was down. I'm happy I have a guy like you in my life, even if we just started dating." She says squeezing my hand. Smiling down at her I realize how beautiful she really is. Her long red-brown hair. Those wonderful green eyes. Her deep dimples.

As she drifts to sleep I whisper, "You're beautiful."


Sorry for the late update. At first I didn't update for a while because I ended at a cliff hanger and wanted to create suspense. But then I realized that the chapter I had written wasn't the best. So I completely rewrote it and that's why it's so late.
I really hope you enjoyed this chapter! :)

Keep smiling.
- @smiley_girl33

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