Chapter 14

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*Carter's POV*

We left the cottage shortly after that awkward time and John and Matt's place. The car ride home took longer than the way there. Many people were driving home; trying to get back in time for school and work. Blake, being the worry-wart that he is, drove even slower than necessary. Kris had fallen asleep in the front seat leaving me and the girls to talk amongst ourselves. We started talking about our favorite parts of the trip. Before switching over to the topic of school work we had forgotten to finish. Thank goodness I had already finished my essay.

After getting up so early that morning for a trip on the ATVs. The girls and I found ourselves craving sleep. And before I knew my head was leaned up against the cold glass, my eyes slowly closing before the pleasure of sleep overtook me.

I was awaken to someone pounding on my window. I groaned and changed my position; trying to block out the annoying banging on my right.

"Open this door right now!" I voice shouted before the pounding continued. I reluctantly opened my eyes. After blinking a few times, I looked around the car to notice it was completely empty. After the message finally came through to me that I was alone. I looked out my window to see the one person I had missed the most on my trip. Will.

A small giggle escaped my lips as I unbuckled my seatbelt. I pressed my forehead against the cool glass just as Will did the same.

"Are you ever going to open the door? I'm dying out here!" Will whined looking up at me with sad puppy dog eyes.

I laughed throwing my head back. "Okay fine." I say unlocking the door.

Before I could move a pair of strong hands gripped my waist as I was lifted out of the car. A small squeal escaped my mouth as Will twirled my around; before crushing me into his chest squeezing my tightly in his hug. I wrapped my legs around him, my arms encircling his neck as I planted a light kiss on his cheek.

"I missed you." He mumbles into the side of my neck. His warm breath brushing lightly against my skin, sending shivers down my spine.

"I missed you too." I whisper resting my head on his shoulder.

Although I can't see him I can feel his jaw move as he smiles.

I made him smile.


After my reencounter with Will. I brought my stuff upstairs and unpacked quickly. With it only being 7:30 the 6 of us decided to just chill out watching a movie. After much debating we settled on one of the Disney princess movies. I didn't pay much attention to which one, being half asleep at the time. In my dreary state, I vaguely remember Will carrying me up the stairs in his arms. He lied my down carefully on the bed, covering me up in my quilt.

"Goodnight beautiful." He whispered before planting a light kiss on my forehead. I slept with a smile on my face the whole night.

His words still rang I my head as I walked down the school hallway towards my locker. The bruises on my face had now faded. But people still looked at me with sympathy. The only one who didn't look at me like my dog just died was Victoria. Ever since the accident had happened Victoria had turned into a bigger pain then before. She used to walk around gossiping with her fellow cheerleaders; ignoring mostly everyone around her. The last time someone got on Victoria's bad side, Victoria forced her to become her personal assistant. She left the school after one week of working for her.

I was brought back to awareness as a heavy weight was added to my shoulders. I looked up into the ocean blue eyes of Will.

"What's on your mind sunshine." He asks winking at me.

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