She defends you

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PAIRING: Olivia x female!reader
SUMMARY: Haters can be brutal, haters can bite

Sitting on your bed, you had your phone in your hands and tears were falling down your cheeks from your watery eyes.

Olivia was at the studio recording her album, leaving you home alone. As you were resting your body on the couch, you continued scrolling through the mean and nasty comments on your Twitter. These were far from the sweet and kind comments you were so used to getting, you don't know what happened. Hate comments personally never bothered you because you were good at not letting them, also know you were allowed to make the choice to take comments away from a certain tweet.

The reason you couldn't bring yourself to stop scrolling through was because the comments were being posted on a picture you shared of you and Olivia celebrating your anniversary together. The further down you scrolled, the more awful they become. Just as you had believed you'd run into the nastiest one, Olivia unexpectedly spoke up, causing you to flinch a bit in fright.

"What's wrong, baby?"

When the hell did she get home? It's still early. Because you were too upset to speak, you only had the strength to show her the comments pasted of your photo together. Fans were targeting you for some reason and once Olivia had come to realize that, it broke her heart. After reading some of the comments, Olivia set the phone aside on the coffee table and pulled you in her warm and loving arms.

"Don't listen to them, okay? None of what the are saying are even true. You're mine and I can tell you how proud I am to call you mine."

After a few minutes of comforting you, she pulls away and begins to type away something on her phone.

"What are you doing?"

"Take a look."

Which you do, and you've come to find on your Twitter, a tweet so sweet you've been tagged in by Olivia herself.

It read:

"Hey guys, that happens to be my girlfriend you're talking to. If you're a true fan of mine, than don't be so sour to her."

"Thanks, Olivia." You say, looking up from your phone and giving her a hug.

Olivia was seriously the best, and you couldn't ask for a better girlfriend.


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