Insecurities (Trigger warning!)

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Pairing: Olivia x female!reader
Warnings: Can be triggering to some, if so, please skip ahead!

Requested: No
Summary: Olivia accidentally makes you feel insecure

You and Olivia were at a bakery eating some favorite sweets.

You had been eating more than usual since you hadn't had anything to eat all that day. Olivia ate another piece before setting down her fork and looking at you.

"Y/n, you shouldn't eat so much, the bill is going to be expensive." She told you.

"I can eat as much as I want, Liv. I'm a grown woman, I'll pay for half of the bill." You said, taking a bite of some cake.

"No, Y/n, stop eating!" She said, more irritated this time than before.

That only caused you to give her the evil eye, as you were starting to feel irritated yourself that how can she push you so hard into something like this.

"I will eat as much as I please, as much as I want. I will eat as much as I see fit, Liv."

You watch as you plop another piece of chocolate cake in your mouth as her face was boiling red hot rage before she stood up, grabbing the attention of everyone who was present in the room with you and not to mention that you will be feeling a grand amount of embarrassment and insecure to the next thing you hear.

"No you won't! Stop eating so much, will you?! You need to lose weight anyways!" You froze, ouch.

Those words took a toll on you and the thing is, you had always been insecure about your weight and this only made things worse for you, so you did the most logical thing: you stood up yourself and walked away as the customers applauded for you, taking your side of this stupid and hurtful argument. Just the second you shut the door behind you, you hear everyone booing at Olivia and you couldn't help but let a smile tug at your lips as the next thought had crossed your mind.

Olivia can pay that bill herself, she's a grown woman, too.


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