Panic Attacks

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Pairing: Olivia x reader
Warnings: Panic Attack/Anxiety
Requested: No
Summary: Olivia comforts you during a panic attack

You don't remember falling asleep the night before as it was drama and chaos between you and Olivia.

Last night, you had the worst argument with Olivia and slept in the guest bedroom while Olivia slept in your shared bedroom. The argument was something ever so little that it didn't make any sense, and Olivia was placing the blame on you for it, making it enough to have you believing it truly was your fault and while you thought of ways you could do to make up for it.

What happened was, it was Olivia's turn to do the dishes and it was clear that when she got home, she was in a bad mood as her day had not gone well and was willing to take it out on anyone, even you. When she walked in, the first thing that came to her attention was the dirty dishes stacked in the sink that there was almost no room for them or anymore at all. As you hear her footsteps approaching you, she had found you on the couch watching tv without a care in the world. The sound of her footsteps approaching you abruptly towards you, causes you to look her way; and that was when it all had started.

"Is it really too much of asking for you to do your part in keeping things clean? You ought to get it through your head that I simply can't do everything by myself. You're my girlfriend, and we're supposed to be a team!"

You opened your mouth to say something back to her, only to be interrupted.

"No! You don't get to say anything and I don't want to hear about your petty excuses! If you don't get your priorities straightened out, than I don't think we will last much longer, Y/n."

Again, Olivia walks away without letting you voice your own thoughts, refusing to give you any chances of that. But it didn't matter to you anymore. Once you were certain Olivia was asleep, you walk over and get everything done on the chore list. You didn't want to lose this relationship you had with her, you would do anything in the world to keep her by your side forever and always. You couldn't stand the thought of losing the relationship over a silly fight, and if anything, you are more than willing to do anything to keep her happy to save the relationship. Once everything was cleaned and put away in the proper spots, and was picked up, you than walk over to the couch, you got yourself comfortable as you didn't dare go in with an angry Olivia.

Without realizing it, you had suddenly felt sickening nerves bubble up in your stomach and tried to sleep it off. Falling asleep was a success, but by the following morning, you had woken up with a much worse feeling than the night before and than it turned into a severe panic attack almost in that instant. It was almost too hard for to catch your breath, and you felt like you almost couldn't move; so you called out for your girlfriend to come help you through this. Last night didn't matter anymore, even though it was the reason for this panic attack.


In less than a second, you the upstairs bedroom door open, followed by frantic footsteps coming your way until Olivia appeared. Olivia had no idea what was going on, she had no idea about your anxiety until just now as she was experiencing the symptoms of it for the first time and the conditions it brought onto you. This scared Olivia because she didn't know what to do help you so she sat on the floor next to you and pulled you onto her lap, holding you tightly, pulling you to her as close as she could get.

It was almost as if she was cuddling with you, rocking you back and forth, whispering sweet, soft, comforting words in your ear until you were able to keep your breathing under control, it was than she asked you what happened there and you explained it to her and she immediately felt guilty, knowing that she was the one who had caused it.

"I'm so sorry, Y/n. I truly am."

"It's okay, now, Olivia. It's over now. I feel much better than I did seconds before."

"No, Y/n. It's not okay. What I said to you last night was unacceptable and I would do anything to take it back but there's nothing in the whole world that can do help me to do so. If I could turn back the clock, I would."

"I know, Liv, but growing up, I've learned that what's done in the past should be forgotten, but we should always remember the lesson that comes with it. I see that as close enough to turning back time."

Both you and Olivia giggled over what was just said, while everything was forgiven for and you both moved forward together since than.


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