You're afraid of needles

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PAIRING: Olivia x female!reader
WARNINGS: Mentions of trypanophobia (needles)
SUMMARY: Olivia comforts you on your fear of needles

You try to avoid shots at all costs, and for good reason; you're afraid of needles.

Ever since you got together with Olivia, she made sure that you'd actually go and get your flu shot every year. Now that it was time to get your vaccinations for covid, you were a nervous wreck although you had to make some exceptions for it, for the sake of your health and to give Olivia, along with the rest of your family, a peace of mind in knowing you've been vaccinated.

Shots were taking place at your local Walmart pharmacy and the very minute you walked in, your face had gone completely white while you were beginning to feel slightly dizzy. When Olivia notices, she holds onto your hand and gives it a reassuring squeeze. You were now just a few feet away from the pharmacy, just two more steps and you were there. It did bring you some comfort in knowing Olivia was going to get hers done today as well. After feeling out forms, Olivia was trying to give you the choice of going first or second. Because you couldn't give her a complete answer, she volunteered for you to go first and forced you to sit down in that chair as you fought to escape her grip.

The pharmacist was very understanding in letting you take the time you need to calm your nerves while she was promising you it would happen in a blink of an eye and you wouldn't feel anything other than possible slight pressure as the medicine is pushed into your system. Once you have settled down, you let the pharmacist continue in with the procedure. Olivia was holding you as you had yourself wrapped around her. She was trying to pry your eyes away from the oncoming syringe, you  being wrapped around her.

"...and you're done!"

Now it was Olivia's turn. Olivia was the opposite, she was someone who didn't fear anything in the world, even needles. After shots were done, you left the store and headed for home with your girlfriend. Olivia found it amusing to tease you a little bit, but that only made you upset.

"That wasn't so bad now, was it?"

"I'm not in the mood for that, Liv."

"I'll bet you're not in the mood for milkshakes either, eh?"

"You had me at milkshakes!"

Olivia laughed as she pulled in the lot of Dairy Queen. Sure, she was a tease, but she knew your weakness. When it comes to milkshakes, she's found that weakness and will use it to her advantage.


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