Chapter 6

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"We're what," I say unamused. 

"We're going fucking shopping. You're not going to just wear Shigaraki's clothes, you're starting to smell like him," Dabi says, sitting down on the bar stool behind me. 

"I think Shiggy would be just fine if I wore his clothes, I think he'd find it cute," I say, turning my body around so I'm facing him. "And you not like me smelling like Shiggy?" I say, leaning down a little bit. 

"Don't flatter yourself," He says, picking his fork up and putting it on my nose, pushing me away. 

"Do we have to go shopping? How are you even paying for it?" I ask, getting off the island and sitting down next to Dabi on the other bar stool.

"Yes we have to go shopping. You need clothes. Also don't worry about the money, we may be villains, but we aren't thieves. We only take what we need to send a message, we get our money from our work, not from stealing," He says, looking down at me. 

"Alright, alright, but I don't trust your fashion sense," I say, grabbing the silverware next to the plate of pancakes in front of me.

"You're wearing a hoodie, princess. I don't think you should be coming for my fashion sense," He says.

"You have free will to dress like whatever you want and you dress like an edgy teenager, I didn't have a choice, plus I look cute in this," I say, putting a piece of pancake in my mouth. 

"Ok, well if you can look cute in Shigaraki's hoodie, I can look cute in my edgy teenager clothes," He says with a growing smirk. 

"There's a difference between cute and hot, daddy dabi, " I say, continuing to eat my pancakes. 

"Ew don't call me daddy, unless I tell you to," He says, still with the smirk on his face.

"Say less, we're here alone," I say, rolling my eyes. 

"Wouldn't lover boy be jealous I stole his girl?" He asks, turning to look at me, still with that stupid smirk.

"Probably, but we'll work something out," I say, looking right into his eyes and eating a piece of pancake. 

"A-anyway, how'd you like your breakfast?" He asks after he clears his throat. 

"Darky, it was like, really good?? Like kinda surprising, I feel like you'd burn it like you burnt yourself," I say.

"Damn bitch, ok, have a little more faith in me," He says, grabbing my plate. 

I look at him as he walks away to put the dishes in the sink. 

"Damn Dabi you got cake," I say, biting my lip ironically. 

"I don't think we have cake? I mean I didn't make any," He says, getting a little serious, and turning his head to look at me. 

"No, Dabi, just no. I MEANT you have a fat ass," I say, giving him a wink.

"Bend over and let me see if you got a fat ass, too," He says, lifting up one of his eyebrows. 

I feel myself start to blush. I keep eye contact though, even if I'm a little flustered. 

"Wouldn't you like that?" I say, gaining a smirk and some confidence. 

"D-dammit, just, ok. Are you wearing that to the stores?" He asks, changing the topic like a little bitch. 

"Yeah, it's big and I can put the hood over. I don't have any shoes though," I say, looking over to the side. 

"Just go steal some of Toga's, or well, wouldn't any shoes work? Just something to cover your feet? Here, we'll go to my room and you can put on my shoes, wearing bigger shoes wont hurt, plus we'll buy you knew ones," He says as he takes off his apron. 

"Yeah ok, I'm fine with whatever, thank you for everything," I say with a smile.

"Follow me to my bedroom then," He says softly as he starts walking.

I follow him to wherever his room is, making a mental note so I can find it later and bother him while he's in there. We go down a hallway and he stops in front of a door. He reaches down to twist the doorknob and he opens it just enough to grab shoes. 

"Dabi why don't you open the door all the way?" I ask. 

"Because we're just grabbing shoes? If you really want to see my room then I wont stop you," he says as he pushes the door open all the way. It's just like an edgy teenager's room, black everything and band posters on the wall, but it was surprisingly clean. It smelled nice too, like angst and cologne mixed together somehow. 

He hands me his shoes and I put them on. They're a little big on me, but they'll do for now, and I'm not even wearing socks so I'm hoping we get shoes before it gets too hot in these. After that he closes the door and leads me back to the door that leads to the outside. I noticed that he grabbed a jacket thing and glasses to cover his scars.

"Alright, you ready?" He asks, looking down at me.

"Ready as I'll ever be," I say, looking forward, getting filled with determination. 



Alright, so I don't know when I update and I will not be making a schedule, I know I put in the description I don't know when I update, but I'm just re-saying it here. 

This chapter might also be a little bit of filler, but I didn't want to just be like "Dabi and Y/n ate pancakes and then left," because I want to give details and I think it's fun.

Ok, later 

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