Chapter 9

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"Why does this place reek of old people and tears?" I ask, as I adjust my eyes to the bright light inside of Pillains. 

"One, medication. Two, villains," Dabi answered in his same old monotone voice. 

Looking around I see half of the shop looking like a hospital and the other half looking like a Spencer's. You get the gist. 

"Bitch, I need to get some of my medication, you can go look on the other side of the store for clothes," Dabi says, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Uh no??? Dabi I could get MURDERED in here. Dabi you fucking murder people, you trust me over there ALONE???" I ask, looking at his hand in disgust. 

"Just don't look anyone in the eyes and you should be fine," He says, looking over to the side dramatically.

"Dabi no, I'm not leaving your side, it's scary here," I say, grabbing onto the bottom of his shirt a little bit. 

"Fucking fine," He says. "I'm only doing it because you're so damn cute," I hear him mumble under his breath.

"Hm?" I hum, teasing him a bit. "What'd you say shnookums?"

"Just shut up," He says rolling his eyes and starting to walk to the pharmacy. 

Inside this place it's split right down the middle, one side is for medications and the other is for all types of clothes. Dabi makes his way up to the counter with me still on his shirt. A scrawny looking man comes up to the window. He looks old and worn out. He has zero hair anywhere on his face. 

"Ah, hello Dabi," The man greets him with a warm smile. 

"Hey Glen," Dabi responds, giving him a small smile.

"What needs refilled on this fine day?" Glen asks.

"Tofranil, I'm all out," Dabi responds, reaching in his pocket and showing Glen the empty bottle. 

"I'm surprised you made it this long, have you been taking it regularly?" He asks, bending down to get something underneath the counter. 

"We've been busy this month, I forget," Dabi says, looking down a little bit. 

"Yeah I can tell," Glen says coming back up new pill bottle and looking at Dabi with a smile. "I see you've got a new recruit?" He says pointing towards me.

"Ah, no, well actually, maybe. It's complicated, but all we know is that she's staying with us for a while," Dabi says, blushing a little bit. 

"Well in that case, hi, I'm Glen" He says with a smile while looking at me.

"Hey, I'm Y/N, nice to meet you," I say, returning his smile. 

Glen nods and opens the new pill bottle and hold out his hand palm up. His hand starts glowing a tiny bit and pills start pilling up. Once he has a small mountain of pills in his hand he dumps them in the bottle, closes the lid, and hands them to Dabi. 

"Until next time, Dabi," Glen smiles and waves. "Oh and I hope I'll see you again soon Y/N," 

"Thanks Glen," Dabi says and waves back. 

"Bye Glen" I say, smiling at him.

And with that we were onto the other part of the trip, the clothes. 

We cross over the imaginary boundary keeping the clothes section different than the medication section. 

"Ok so what you really need are shoes and underwear, but if you see anything else you like, feel free to get it," Dabi whispers in my ear.

I shiver a little bit and feel my face get immediately hot. "Dabi why are you so close to me and how did you do that without me noticing??" I say frantically. 

"Don't ask questions," He says into my ear again.

"Alright Dabi," I say a little shaky. 

I walk away from Dabi to look at clothes and shoes, I see all these ugly ass clothes that have those dumb little sayings on them like 'Reality called, so I hung up' or 'Caution, I have no filter'. God I hate those shirts. 

I keep browsing and once I find clothes and shoes that I like I go over to Dabi who's manspreading on a random ass couch in the back of the clothing section. I'm not complaining about his manspreading though because it's kinda hot. 

"I found some of this stuff, but I don't know what underwear to get," I say, pouting a little.

"You want my opinion on which underwear to get?" He asks, unamused. 

"Yes, I'm indecisive, it's a woman thing," I say, rolling my eyes dramatically.

He stands up, grabs the clothes and shoes I have in my hands and I lead him to the underwear. It's only a couple feet away on a rack. 

"See, I like these black lacy ones, but I also like those black scandalous ones, but then there's that blue thong that matches the color of your flames," I say the last one smirking over at him. 

"I- well," He coughs a tiny bit to clear his throat. "Maybe you should just get them all,"

"I could always model them for you," I say, smirking again.

"I'm sure you will, you whore," Dabi says, looking down at me.

"A-alright, ok, go put those on the counter and I'll be there with underwear in a jiffy," I say, blushing. 

I grab the two pairs of black ones and the blue thong. I see a silver lacy thong that matches Shiggy's hair so obviously I'm going to get that too. I walk over to the counter with the underwear in my hand and place them right next to the clothes that are on there. A man with four arms comes to the cash register to start ringing us up. 

It was silent and the man said our amount that we have to pay. We purchase our clothes and the man puts them in bags. As soon as we grab them we're out the door and move the dumpster back to it's original position somehow easier. 

Now we're homeward bound. 



Alright so, sorry I kinda like, died?? Anyway, have this, I'm back in school and lost motivation lol, but it's back now.

Also, I didn't specify what the clothes y/n picked out looked like because that's up to you, the reader, to decide. Some authors give you the ugliest clothes ever to wear and I didn't want to be known as that kind of author. 

This one is back to normal length and not short like the past few, the next one might be a little shorter but shhhhh

𝔸 𝔹𝕦𝕣𝕟𝕥 𝕄𝕒𝕟 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕒 𝔾𝕒𝕞𝕖𝕣 || Dabi x Reader x ShigarakiHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin