Chapter 14

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Ok so they did get drunk. Dabi and Shiggy got *very* drunk, actually. It was all a blur. One moment we were all fine then the next their faces are red and their speech is slurred. They haven't said anything too out of pocket yet though, just the declarations of how Shiggy 'needs Dabi' and how he's 'an asset to the team' and how Shigaraki is like a 'long lost brother' to Dabi. I'm the only sober one here, Kurogiri left when Shiggy said they could 'handle the bar without him' which is like, ok Kurogiri, pop off.

"Y/N, come on you don't wanna get drunk and nasty with us? :(" Dabi whines, laying down on my thighs. 

"Yeah Y/N, come on, aren't we fun? :(" Shigaraki says from behind me, falling onto my shoulder. 

It's crazy how Japan's two most infamous villains are at my disposal right now. 

"You guys are plenty fun, I just need to be the sober one," I say, rolling my eyes a little.

"Hey Y/N......?" Dabi asks, hesitantly. 

I look down to see him looking up at me with a sad little puppy dog expression. I hum a little bit signalling him to continue.

"How come Shiggy got to kiss you but I didn't? Do you not like me :(" Dabi says, looking like he's going to cry.

Jesus how much did they drink??

"Dabi," I say cupping his face with my hands. "Do you want a kiss right now?" 

"......No," He narrows his eyes and looks away like a child.

"Dabi shut up...." I hear Shiggy mumble behind me.

"Make me, crusty," Dabi retaliates.

"I can sh....ut.....up forever," Shiggy mumbles drunkenly. 

"I have a death wish anyway," Dabi says, I can practically hear the eye roll in his voice.

"Ok, this is like babysitting," I say, deadpanning. "I thought when you guys got drunk you'd have a bar fight and like fight over me,"

"Do you want us to fight over you? Are we not good enough?" I hear Shiggy's raspy voice say, clutching onto my shirt. It sounds like he's going to cry??

"We aren't good enough for Y/N....." Dabi says, finishing off Shiggy's sentence. "Whatever, who cares," he pouts, falling onto my thighs again. 

I am definitely going to bring this up to them tomorrow, they will never live it down. Just then the two of them both collapse on the floor hugging each other (Shiggy carefully withholding his hands from Dabi ya know, so he doesn't disintegrate). 

"Boss, you gave me another chance at lifeeeee," Dabi says with a whine.

"Dabi do you mean that....??" Shiggy says with a small sob. 

"I mean that from the bottom of my heartttt....." Dabi says letting out a sob, too. 

Just then they both started crying, well no tears are coming out for Dabi because.....reasons, but he's still making the noises, on the floor while hugging each other. What the hell is happening??? I need a phone or something to make this memory last forever, fuck there has to be one around here somewhere, or at least a burner phone maybe. Can you take pictures on burner phones?? How do those work? I hear small sniffs coming from the ground as I'm contemplating. 

SPINNER. Spinner might have one. Where the fuck is his room?? I turn around on my heel to find Spinner's room but then get interrupted by my name being called.

"Y/Nnnnnnn.......Are you leaving us...?" Shigaraki says, looking up at me while batting his eyes. 

"Just for one minute, I'll be right back guys," I say, continuing my way to Spinner's room, which I still don't know where it's at??

"No," Dabi says, sounding worried.

I ignore him and walk, knocking on doors as I go. Finally I hear a voice that sounds a lot like Spinner saying 'Come in'. 

"Oh, Miss Y/N, do you need something?" He says as I open the door.

"Yeah, yeah I do. Do you have a camera or anything at all that can take a picture on?" I ask, stepping into his room.

"Hm, yeah, I know we aren't supposed to have phones or anything, but Shigaraki gave me permission to keep a camera I stole," He says, looking in a drawer beside him.

Ok his room looks like an average gamer's room, dark with bowls everywhere. Kinda like Shiggy's but with a red aura and more of a redditor vibe than a gamer vibe. 

"Here you go," Spinner says with a smile, handing me a nice little camera that I can't bother searching for the brand on.

"Thank you Spinner, you won't be disappointed!" I say with a wide smile, running back to the bar area.

I come back and see that they're still face to face, holding and comforting each other. I take a couple pictures, smiling to myself. I turn it around to take a selfie, doing the basic pose of biting my lip and squinting my eyes.....sorry Spinner. 

I run back to Spinner's little room and hand him the camera. 

"Ok, so I'll need these pictures tomorrow when they're not drunk and I can make fun of them. Thanks again Spinner!" I say with a smile.

"Y-you're welcome Miss Y/N," He responds giving me a toothy grin.

I walk back out and to Shiggy's room, grabbing one of his big black hoodies. I don't care enough to see if I got pajamas from our little shopping trip, so I just settle with his hoodie again, what can I say, it smells good. I do however remember getting underwear, so I go to the bar place again and look through the bags Dabi carried home. I find the ones that match Dabi's flame color. Pretty scandalous if you ask me. Do they have a shower in this place???? Whatever, I'll find one. 



Hey guys, drink water >:( 

Can you believe two chapters in one week that's crazy

Also we passed 2k reads???????? 0_0 

And like man I don't even care that the characters aren't acting how they'd actually act, I'll try to make them like more canon but it's like, where's the fun in that??

𝔸 𝔹𝕦𝕣𝕟𝕥 𝕄𝕒𝕟 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕒 𝔾𝕒𝕞𝕖𝕣 || Dabi x Reader x ShigarakiTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon