23. Welcome to Wild Berry Valley (Sam)

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   The car is flying on the asphalt district road, and I can not stop grinning from ear to ear. My crazy, cute, adorably chaotic boyfriend just confessed that he loved me. I really wanted to say it back, but he started kissing me and then tried to climb on my lap, pressing the horn with his butt, five times in a row. Some idiot immediately began knocking on the window. My Peppercorn turned bright red in a second and started goggling at me, making energetic signs to go, so we drove off as quick as a flash.

   "Look at this!" Alec finally speaks, after twenty minutes of heavy breathing and gazing through the window while I was fighting the Saturday traffic out of the city. We have managed to leave the suburbs and entered the rural atmosphere of the first village on our way. I slow down to the allowed fifty kilometers per hour and peek in the direction he's pointing. A flock of sheep is grazing peacefully on a meadow by the road. The shepherd and two enormous, shaggy dogs are lying in the thick shade of a huge oak.

   "Isn't it idyllic," Alec sigs. "I dream of this kind of simple, trouble-free lifestyle sometimes. There'll be no need to get up early in the morning, no job, no cars and elevators, no grumpy customers who forgot that they didn't like mushrooms and remembered it only after I had sweated over the stove for a quarter of an hour to stir their risotto."

   "Peppercorn, have you ever milked an ewe?" I chuckle. "You have to do it twice a day at least, and the first time is at five in the morning. I bet you've never smelled one either. I assure you, it's something you can never forget. When exactly did you get up early for work, by the way? The bar opens in the afternoon."

   "I mean, in general." He pouts, "and how are you so knowledgeable about sheep-breeding?"

   "I lived on my parents' farm until I was eighteen," I smile. "I've milked also cows, plowed and sowed and many other things."

   "Amazing!" Alec looks at me with genuine admiration. "Are there still many animals? Can they be petted?" His eyes are sparkling like a kid's in a candy store.

   "There are some," I nod, "but not like before. Mom can't look after more than a few chickens and a dog now. Oh, there are also cats. I have no idea how many, though. Last time, they were three. They come and go whenever they like."

   "You mean after the accident?" he mumbles, reaching out to stroke my thigh. "I'm so sorry, Sam! Is she ok?"

   "Yeah, she's fine," I squeeze his hand. I don't want my Peppercorn to be sad. "Don't worry about it. Two years have passed since the crash. Mom has already recovered. She'll always miss dad, but time makes things a little bit better day by day. She can even walk a little now and doesn't have to use a wheelchair all the time."

   "Are you sure we won't bother her too much?" he insists.

   "Babe, we've already discussed this. She's thrilled to meet you. It will be the best therapy for her. Mom was already worrying that I'd never find someone. You are her hero, without even seeing you," I assure him. "Rose is also with her. She has always been her greatest support, even more than me. They've been friends from before I was born. That's why I love her and will always forgive her preaching. She left her job as a teacher to help mom, so I offered to hire her to take care of the household."

   "Rose," Alec gasps. "Did you call her?

   "Of course," I confirm.

   "Did you tell her that I didn't touch your... " He makes a strange gesture that probably should mean stroking a penis, but looks much more like playing the violin.

   "What is this?" I snort. "Are you trying to chase away a bee?"

   "You know what I mean," he glares.

   "No, I didn't," I smirk. "It would have been a total lie."

   "Sam!" he squeaks. "I didn't do it. Well, mmm... I did it, but... not on that particular day."

   "Does it really matter when exactly it happened?" I can't help but laugh out. "I think she got quite a good measure of you."

   "Watch the road!" he pouts profusely, but beams the next moment, pointing through the window to an animal cart we're passing by. "Is your car a time traveling machine? I feel as if we're back in the Middle Ages. Do people still use these? Awww, look at the cute donkey!" 

   I start thinking that the boy has never set his foot in a village before. "It's a hinny," I correct him.

   "What?" He looks puzzled.

   "This is when a stallion falls in love with a jenny, and they have a baby," I explain. Alec looks even more puzzled, so I add, "The male horse banged the female donkey."

   "My Goodness!" he squeaks, gazing at me in utter shock.

   "Chill," I cackle. "I promise that they enjoyed themselves."

   He still hasn't recovered from the blunt livestock breeding lesson when the name board of my birthplace appears.

   "We're here." I announce. "Welcome to Twin Peaks, babe!" 

    Alec's dumbfounded expression is priceless. 

   "I'm kidding," I chuckle, pointing at the board. "It's Wild Berry Valley."


Photo by Svetlozar Hristov from istockphoto.com


Hello, at the end of chapter 23!

Thank you so much for reading and supporting! 💗💗💗

Do you think Sam will say back 'I love you' before the end of this visit? 😉

Alec is not familiar with the village life at all and has a very idyllic image in his head. Do you think he will be proved right or will be unpleasantly surprised? 😀

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Love: Anny

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