34. Scars (Alec)

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   [Trigger warning: traumatic accident mentioned]

   I get angrier and angrier with every passing second. What have I done? What is my sin? What am I being punished for?

   I was found in the middle of the road, a few steps away from a blazing car, ready to explode at any moment, severely burned, screaming, the only survivor of a tragic incident. A young couple on a road trip across Greece found me by accident and took me to the hospital. They waited for months, visited me every day, filed all the necessary documents, and finally were able to leave the country with me as their son.

   I don't remember any of that. My first memory was my mother's sky blue eyes, looking at me while I was hitting the colorful buttons of a musical, learning table. I probably couldn't walk yet because I crawled into her open arms and felt true love for the first time in my life. It was warm and nice. We were both giggling.

   She had never mentioned my scars. I never knew that there was something different about me until a new swimming pool was built in my school. I was six. I was aware of them, of course, but never thought they were something to pay attention to. We changed into bathing suits, and suddenly, everyone was staring at me. Most of my classmates were silent, but I saw the pity and the disgust. There were those two or three who decided that it was funny to mock me. Every word they said is engraved in my mind. I will never forget them. This was the day when I swore that no one would ever look at me that way again. Never!

   Mom told me the story of my adoption when I became fifteen. She tried to convince me that the scars are not so bad, that I was beautiful and they wouldn't bother someone who would fall in love with me, but I never forgot those gazes, the words, the humiliation.

   What shall I do now? What's the right move? Break up with Sam? No, that would be cruel for both of us. I should have thought about it before letting things get that far. Shall I tell him the truth? No, I can't do that either. I don't want him to start comforting me and convincing me that everything is fine. I need him to kiss me, to want me, to moan my name, not to turn into a therapist.

   Why is everything so complicated? Why can't I just give my boyfriend a blowjob without making a total drama out of it? Fuck! I hate this! My hands start shaking. I glance at the mirror. All the rage erupts from every pore of my skin.

   "I hate you!" I scream and grab the first thing that I see, which happens to be a hair dryer. I throw it with all force to the mirror. The glass shatters into thousands of pieces. I haven't noticed that the appliance is plugged in. The force pulls out the socket. The moment I hurl it a sharp crack is heard. A bright spark comes out of the hole. The room is filled with the smell of burning plastic. The lights in the whole house go out.

   "Peppercorn! What the hell are you doing there? Open up immediately, or I'm breaking in!" Sam yells, banging on the door.

   "Oh my God!" I gasp, pulling my clothes on as fast as I can. "I'm fine."

   "Honestly, if you don't open right now, I will spank your butt so good that..." I rush into the room just as the door detaches from its hinges and crashes to the floor with Sam falling flat on his face on it.

   The curse that comes out of his mouth turns my ears bright red. He raises his head to look at me, and I do the most inappropriate thing ever, I shriek with laughter.

   "Enjoying the view?" he grunts. "I promise you that I'll keep you on a leash from now on. You won't step an inch away from me. You'll follow me like a puppy. You'll be like a fucken tattoo on my ass, like another piercing on my dick."

   The more he grumbles, the more I cackle. I really want to stop but it's impossible. It seems I totally lost it. I'm definitely hysterical. Sam suddenly goes silent and points a finger at me, "Smoke!"

   "What?" I snort.

   "The bathroom," he keeps pointing. "Something is burning."

   I slowly turn around and my eyes widen. How did I miss the smell? Thick black smoke is coming out of the door. Dearest God! I just set Nicol's house on fire.


Photo 198263904 © Chonticha Wat | Dreamstime.com


Hello, at the end of chapter 34!

Thank you so much for reading and supporting! 💗💗💗

Alec, the cute disaster is back!

Sam is a little angry, but who can blame him. 🤭

Do you think they will finally talk and clear things up (after extinguishing the fire, of course)?

Share your thoughts, ask questions, and criticize if you think it's necessary.

And don't forget to vote if you liked the story.

Love: Anny

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