49. My My My! (Sam)

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[Warning. Brace yourselves. This is going to be scary.]

   I start snapping reed as fast as I can and piling up the bundles to form a path between me and Alec while he is screaming, covering his face with both hands. It's difficult to focus. He's making a total drama out of it.

   "Babe, calm down!" I plead. "The leeches can't bite through denim. If there's no exposed skin, you're safe."

   "Are there any on meeeee?" he yells.

   "No! I'll get you out before they manage to attach. Just stop moving. Water disturbance will attract more. Stay still and don't panic. I'll be with you in a second." Alec, of course, doesn't hear a word and keeps struggling to pull his legs out of the mud, which only makes him sink deeper.

   "Sam, I'm going to die here," he sobs, "eaten by gross, ugly worms. They will suck all of my blood."

   "Oh, God!" I gasp. I am definitely spanking him after this, in a good, pleasurable way, I mean. I'm not a monster. It will still bring me some satisfaction, well, a lot of satisfaction.

   The makeshift bridge is finally ready, and I grip one of his legs behind the knee. "Peppercorn, stop screeching if you don't want me to stuff a sock in your mouth. Listen to me now! Don't try to pull out both legs at the same time. We need to free this one first. Ready?"

   "Mhm," he mewls and wraps his arms around my neck, peeking suspiciously at my muddy socks. "Why aren't you wearing shoes?"

   "Because one of us will need them to carry the other home, meaning me," I grumble and pull as hard as I can. His leg pops out with no shoe, no sock, and a fat leech swinging on the hem of his jeans. I swipe it away with a stick before he can see it. "Alright, now step on the reed, and we'll pull the other."

   "Ok," he immediately agrees, shaking like a leaf. 

   We pull with all force. His leg is freed. Lumps of thick, sticky mud and a few leeches go flying in the air and fall upon us in the form of a smelly, disgusting rain. The momentum sends Alec against my chest, and I plop in the mud on my back with him on top of me. Fortunately, we are out of the water and therefore saved from the writhing, little bastards. 

   Alec scrambles on all fours to the grass patch nearby and screams, "Quickly, come here! Have a good look at me! Are there any of them on my clothes? Oh, my Goooood! I hate water lilies! I hate stupid swamps! I want to go hooome!"

   I crawl to my Peppercorn, who is covered in dirt and sullen, and settle him on my lap after making sure that there are no invaders. "Shhh, It's over. Everything is alright. Want me to carry you to the river? We can clean up before we go home."

   "No!" he shakes his head. "I'm going nowhere near the water."

   "Babe, we really look ridiculous," I point out. "Rose and Nicol will have a heart attack when they see us."

   "No!" he repeats with determination. "I'm not touching that water again."

   "There are no leeches in the river," I insist.


   "Fine!" I sigh deeply and put on my shoes. "Jump on my back!"

   We cross the bridge and then the meadow in silence. Alec's chin is leaning on my shoulder, his warm cheek pressed into mine. I am about to assume that he is asleep, exhausted by the terrible ordeal, when he suddenly kisses my ear and instantly starts grunting and spitting, "Ew, there is literally no place on you that is not covered in mud."

   "I can say absolutely the same about you, my mucky, but still very sweet Peppercorn," I retort, and we both start to giggle. "Why did you kiss me if you see that I'm dirty?"

   "Because you are my hero, Sam," Alec mumbles and tightens his hug around my shoulders. "I hope you don't think I'm a total idiot. I have no idea what got me since we came here. Everything I do is so stupid."

   "I think you are amazing," I smile and ruffle his hair, immediately regretting it when my palm becomes sticky. "I also think that you are hot, smart and funny. You are just not used to the quirks of country life, but I'm always here to make sure everything is fine, so no worries!"

   "Oh, my God! I really wish we were back in town, clean and in your bedroom," he sighs.

   "Really?" I grin.

   "Oh, yes!" Alec says, and we start to giggle again.

   The peach orchard is finally behind us, and we go out on the lawn in front of the house. Rose and Nicol gasp loudly upon seeing us and jump up from the swing sofa, gazing at us speechlessly. I can only imagine the despicable sight that we are.

   "My my my!" A deep, slightly husky voice comes from behind us, making my stomach shrink. "Is this a time machine, Tommy? I feel as if I've traveled twenty years back. The only difference is that it's not me on your back." 


Photo 137637193 © Hoxuanhuong | Dreamstime.com


Hello, at the end of chapter 49!

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A little surprise at the end of the chapter, which might actually turn quite big. 🤭

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Love: Anny  

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