67. Pwetty Pwease! (Sam)

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   The moment I park in front of my house and turn the engine off, Alec jumps out, comes running to my side, and abruptly pulls me out by the sleeve. I am too startled by the unexpected surge of energy to protest. He was almost asleep on the way here. 

   "Peppercorn, wait!" I stumble behind him towards the porch, barely managing to lock the car. "What's all the hurry about? You're not feeling sick, are you? Don't worry. Take deep breaths..."

   "Oh, please!" He dramatically rolls his eyes, pinning my back to the front door. "Did you really think a few drinks would make me throw up? I actually feel as fresh as a daisy... and sooo damn horny."

   "What?" I stare at him openmouthed. My confusion is dispelled as soon as Alec firmly grasps my balls and grins from ear to ear.

   "Sam, you're hooot," he slurs, trying unsuccessfully to unbuckle my belt with his other hand. I stay still, not moving a muscle. The boy is strong and has a tight grip. I'm not risking the royal jewels. Alec's unfocused gaze travels up and down my body and finally settles on my face. "I want you like crazy, babe. Can we fuck? Can I see the snake?"

   "Whoa, tiger! Certainly not here for all the neighbors to see. Let me unlock the door first." I gently remove his hands from my crotch, slightly ashamed by the fact that this was perfectly enough to make me rock hard. "You're gonna drink a bottle of water and take two aspirins first. Then we can discuss it."

   "I don't want pills." Alec pouts, spitefully glancing at the unyielding belt buckle. "I want sex."

   "You do?" I chuckle. "How badly?"

   "Mmm... like... ugh... I'm dying to do it, ya know... desperate... in heat..." He wraps his arms around my waist and leans his chin on my shoulder. "Teddy Beaaar, can I kiss Mr. Snaky Snake? Pwetty Pweaaase!"

   "Sweet Lord!" I gasp, pulling his hands away from my ass and placing them on my shoulders.

   Am I a bad person for actually being on the verge of giving in? Would it be so wrong to fuck him senseless when he's literally begging for it? He's going to like it. I swear he will. Oh, God! He'll even beg for more...

   No! Of course, it's wrong. Sam, no! Your boyfriend is as drunk as a skunk, totally out of it. Get your act together! Stop thinking of the thongs he's most probably wearing. You should give him water and painkillers and put him to sleep. Yeah! Do it! Now!

   "Babyyy, can we make love?" my Peppercorn purrs in my ear, pressing his body against mine invitingly. "I am so ready. I will bottom...  Yeah, I can. Why not? Mmm... maybeee top... I don't know... whatever you like. You choose."

   "We'll do both," I state and finally manage to open the front door, despite Alec literally climbing on me.

   He pulls away slightly with a startled expression. "Ugh... now that I think about it, if you don't mind, I better... top?"

   "Sure," I instantly agree and grip him behind the knees, making him straddle my waist as he is getting more and more unsteady on his feet. "Hold on tight, little monkey. I'll carry you inside."

   "How romantic," Alec giggles. He snuggles into me, pushing his face in the crook of my neck and mumbles, "Fine, but I don't know how to do it. Maybe it's better if you top first... to show me. That would be more reasonable, right?"

   "Yeah, sounds very reasonable," I snort. "I'll show you first and then you can do it."

   "Do what?" Peppercorn asks, as if he has just joined the conversation and has absolutely no idea what it is about. I lower him carefully to sit on the couch. He looks around and beams, "Oh, we're home. Thanks God! I am so tired, Sam. Can I sleep in your bed tonight? It's nice here, but my back was stiff last time and I don't want Rose to stare at me again, although, the muffins were really good."

   He is so cute. I stroke his soft, scarlet cheek and kiss the top of his head, burying my nose in his silky, unruly hair. "I'll fetch some water, babe. You just sit here. Are you alright?"

   "I feel kind of dizzy," he mutters.

   "I know," I smile. "It will pass soon."

   Alec obediently takes the pills and drinks the water. I sigh in relief, ready to help him undress and put him to bed when the hots come back in full force. He grabs my wrist and pulls unexpectedly. I flop heavily on the couch next to him. My nimble boyfriend is on his knees, between my legs in a blink. 

   "Alec," I try to reason with him, "let's not rush it. Tomorrow... Fuck! Aaah... Alec!..."

   This time the belt and buttons are no challenge for him. My boxer briefs are dragged down and his hot tongue makes my cock twitch and throb. I gulp heavily, contemplating what to do. It's difficult to focus when he's licking persistently from the base to the tip, letting out those muffled, lustful moans. Before I know, my glans is in his mouth and he is sucking as if his life depends on it. I am torn between pleasure and guilt. He clearly isn't thinking straight. But, on the other hand, there's no doubt he's more than willing to do it. It's only a blow job after all. I won't let it go further. If the boy wants it so much, who am I to stop him? 

   "Babe, are you sure...," I make another attempt to talk to him, but hiss at the delightful sensation when he cups my balls and starts rubbing his cheek along the shaft. "Fine, if you insist, I'll let you do whatever you want, but no... Alec?"

   His movements are gradually slowing down until they stop. It both surprises me and throws me into despair because, honestly, I just need a few more stokes to cum. Did he change his mind? I hope not 'cause I'm in a sticky situation here.

   "Alec? Baby? Are you alright?"

   No answer. I hear only soft snoring. I brush his hair away from his face just to see my Peppercorn peacefully sleeping, using my poor, suffering cock as a pillow. I don't know whether to laugh or cry.


Photo by Full rights with model releases from istockphoto.com


Hello at the end of chapter 67!

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Love: Anny 

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