58. I'm a Bad Ass (Alec)

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   We finally enter the club's lobby. The moment the heavy wooden door clicks behind us, the street noise completely fades away along with the clamor of the queuing crowd. It is quiet. We all fall silent, startled by the sudden change and the strange, overwhelming feeling, as if we have traveled through time and found ourselves in a different era. 

   Everything is in dark, warm, earthly colors. The massive, brown mahogany reception is empty. The dim light comes only from big, scented candles, secured in smoked glass, ball-shaped holders on special shelves, mounted on the walls and red, Chinese style lanterns, hanging from the ceiling in neat rows. Our footsteps disappear in the burgundy, plush carpet.

   We realize in few seconds that the silence is deceptive. There is that repeated, enchanting drumbeat. We feel it in our guts rather than hearing it. It seems the classic 'four to the floor' groove, but slower and with more focus on the bass. What makes it really intoxicating is the haunting, rich melody behind it, and the muffled, throaty guitar. It excites me on a deep, primary level, touching something in my mind, hidden there from ancient times when a similar rhythm gathered the tribes around the fire.

   "Ooh-la-la!" Victor almost moans, looking around excitedly. "Please, tell me that this is a BDSM club."

   "Nope, just a rock club with a little twist," Sunny giggles, "but these were exactly my thoughts when I came here for the first time. I was downright taken aback."

   "Good to know," Victor smirks at me, "or else we'll have to send the children home."

   "Vic, you're overdoing it," Sam glares at him. "I'm asking you to stop picking on Alec so that we won't have any problems. My patience has limits. Things are not like before, if you haven't noticed it yet."

   "It's ok, Sam," I pin my eyes on Victor. I hate to put Sam in an uncomfortable position, but I have also sworn no one would ever bully me again. "I don't mind whipping his obnoxious ass."

   "Hey, hey, easy man!" Victor raises his hand in defense while Sunny is casting surprised glances at us. "What have I said? It's a friendly joke. I'm innocent. Sam, your boyfriend is a baddie."

   "For God's sake!" Sam groans.

   "Ahem... Cough! Cough!..." We all turn to the muscular security guy who has been watching us curiously until now, leaning near an arch entrance to a long, dark stairwell, leading somewhere underground.

   "I need to brief you about the rules," the man says a little nervously, peeking at Sunny. "I know most of them do not apply to you, as you are the band's friends, but... Umm... it's my job and..."

   "It's ok, Jay," Sunny smiles at him. "It's great of you to explain everything to my friends."

   Jay releases a shaky breath, relief washing over his face. He starts apologetically, "Free Zone is a rock club where everyone can have fun the way they like. You can sing along with the band, dance, drink and party. There are no restrictions about that. Get as wild as you can."

   We are all nodding in understanding. I wonder what he means by getting wild. Victor, on the other hand, looks thrilled, grinning wider by the second. 

   "Everyone is required, though, to follow some guidelines," Jay goes on. "You are allowed to walk only in the marked areas between the tables. Never step over the lines. The purpose is to avoid congestion and overcrowding. We do not want anyone suffocating. Bumping into a stargirls is out of question as well. Anyone taking liberties about it will be immediately asked to leave.Keepe in mind that it usually gets really heated inside, so everyone needs to be careful."

   "It's all very thoughtful," Sam notes. "This should be done everywhere, although  I would have never seen my cute Peppercorn on my doorste  if a tray of food hadn't fallen on a customer's lap at the bar."

   "Aaah, you didn't tell me Sam calls you Peppercorn," Sunny shrieks, beaming at me. "Oh, my God! It's socutee and suits you perfectly."

   I swell with pride like Nicol's gobbler, getting all warm and flustered. I am so happy every time Sam calls me his Peppercorn.

   "No one else is allowed to use the nickname, though," Victor purses his lips. "Just tr,  and the little growler goes all... Wait! What are those star girls you mentioned?" 

   "Oh," Sunny giggles, "you have to see them for yourself. Just don't get blown away."

   "Speaking about that," the bouncer interrupts us, "You can't touch the members of the band, the staf,  and most importantly,  the star girls. The latter, however, can basically do whatever they wish, so if you don't like to be handled, you better turn around and go no  because they don't hum and haw. If you're invited to dance, of course, then it's ok. I also don't recommend turning away the proposal. Those chicks always get what they want one way or another. But, otherwise, they will help you settle, serve your drink,  and keep the mood up the entire time."

   "Why would anyone refuse?" Victor chimes in. "I get all the Coyote Ugly* vibes. How cool is that!"

   *Coyote Ugly is a musical comedy movie, taking place mainly in a bar where beautiful girls serve as bar tenders and dance for the visitors' entertainment. The movie has become a cult classic over the years.

    "Yeah, quite similar," the big guy agrees, "but these ones are scarier. Anyways, to sum it up, have fun, but don't cause trouble. You can fuck in the middle of the club and no one will give a damn as long as you are not bothering anyone else."

   "Jay!" Sunny squeaks.

   "Sorry!" The guy shrugs and waves us to the stairs.

   The winding hallway seems endless. Its design is similar to the lobby, but the light is even scarcer. I am gazing at the numerous rock bands on the framed posters, occupying every free spot on the walls. I listen to all kinds of music, but never bothered to learn more about the performers, so I do not recognize most of them. Sam is holding my hand and it gives me some reassurance. I am way out of my comfort zone. My heart is pounding. I feel like a rabbit, pulled out of its hole and thrown in the middle of the highway.

   Victor seems on cloud nine. He is chatting lively with Sunny, asking all kinds of questions about the band, the club and the upcoming performance. My friend is answering to all of them eagerly. He is usually very shy, but Victor somehow manages to predispose him with his undeniable charm. I wrinkle my nose. I do not like him, but I have to admit it. His manners are refined and his smile can melt ice. He radiates this bohemian glamour of a man who has seen a lot and is in his element at places like this. I doubt Sunny would be that friendly, though, if he knew what that hypocrite did to his own best friend.

   "Babe, is everything ok?" Sam mumbles softly in my ear and kisses my temple. "You look a little tired and nervous. It was quite a long day, wasn't it?"

   "Mhm," I sigh. "Not many people can claim they've learned how to drive a boat, escaped a bloodsucking worms attack, had their first night with their boyfriend, met his old crush who turned out to be a total jerk and went to a famous rock club in less than twenty four hours."

   "Aww, my poor Peppercorn," Sam chuckles and starts rubbing my back. "Now that you list all those things, I'm starting to think we should've stayed home. I wonder how you're still standing on your feet."

   "I'm a bad ass," I state. "Don't worry about me. I need only a drink and I'll be in my best shape again."

   "Hmm, I'm glad to hear it, but we can leave any time you want. Don't push yourself too hard." Sam pecks my lips and adds apprehensively, "And be careful with those drinks."


Photo by DaisyLiang from istockphoto.com


Hello at the end of chapter 58!

Thank you for reading and supporting! ❤❤❤

You are amazing!

Alec is out of his comfort zone, but determined to end this long day in glory. 😂

What do you think, will he pass out or get wild? 😉

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Love: Anny 

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