77. Best Friends (Alec)

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   "I can't believe you two finally made it!" Ella is beaming at us from across the table. She points an accusing finger at me. "I've been waiting to meet Sam for too long and almost started to think you were hiding him from me. Danny can't stop talking about how great you are together, guys. I totally agree. You really are such a beautiful couple."

   Sam and I are invited for dinner at my best friend Daniel's. He lives with his wife Ella in a lovely little house in the suburbs, surrounded by an impressive garden. We had to postpone the event a couple of times because of our trip to the countryside and other engagements, but we are here at last. Everything is going great. Sam is charming and funny, making us laugh all the time. Danny clearly still can't believe the change, judging by the way he is staring at my man with his mouth hanging open. There is no sign of the reserved, easily irritable person we used to see at the bar before.

   "Thank you!" Sam smiles and glances at me proudly. "I am damn lucky to have Alec. The most gorgeous boyfriend a man can dream of. He literally changed my life. I actually have your husband to thank for that. He started a fight at the bar. That's how it all began."

   "Really?" Daniel's wife raises a brow at him. "You told me nothing about a fight. And you started it? Wow! Do I really know you, hun? We've been married for five years, and you still manage to surprise me. I had no idea you were the type to cause trouble in bars. I admit it sounds kind of sexy. Who knew I had a bad boy at home."

   "It wasn't like that," my friend protests. "I started nothing. All three of us were equally involved. The customer was drunk. There was no way we could reason with him. And it wasn't a fight, but rather throwing glasses at each other... and chairs... and some other stuff."

   "Oh, my God!" she gasps. "Does this happen regularly? It might be a good idea for you to search for a new job."

   "Nooo," we all bellow at once. Danny grabs her hand. "It was an isolated incident. Don't worry, darling. It won't happen again. I really love this job..."

   "What would I do without my best friend?" I hurry to support him. "We are an excellent team in the kitchen."

   "Glad to hear it." Ella gives her husband a quick kiss on the cheek and changes the topic. "Alec, what do you think about my chicken and spinach cannelloni?"

    "Perfect! You've put precisely the right amount of ricotta. I couldn't have prepared them better myself." I am sincere. She is a great cook, although Danny is the professional chef in the family.

   He goes to explain how they made the sauce, but I am not able to focus on the conversation anymore. An unexpected thought does not give me peace. Did I do the right thing?

   Danny and I have known each other since high school. I can not imagine a day without seeing him, even after he got married. I was his best man at the wedding. He suggested that I join him at our current job, and I found the perfect place to develop my skills. Not that he is not annoying at times. We had many disagreements over the years. Once we stopped talking to each other for a whole month. I remember that I was awfully jealous when he started dating Ella. It was not easy to see him spend more time with someone else. But she is amazing, and I had to accept her if I wanted to keep my best friend. My only true friend, actually. 

   I peek at Sam. He is laughing at something Ella is explaining, enthusiastically showing pictures on her iPad. Danny is grinning at me, secretly giving me the thumbs up.

    No, that does not feel right. I need to fix it. I grab my phone and jump up, almost knocking the chair to the floor. 

   "Peppercorn, are you alright?" Sam shouts after me as I have already reached the back door, leading to the garden. "Where are you running to?"

   "I'll be right back," I quickly answer and slip outside before he can ask any more questions.

   The sun has already set. Tall lanterns are casting dim rays of light over the carefully arranged flower beds. I walk down the gravel path to a swing sofa, hidden behind a rose bush, and relax among the soft cushions. 

   What I am about to do is not easy. I need all the confidence and courage I have. Sam taught me to believe in myself. He showed me that unconditional love exists. There is one more thing I must learn from him. A true friendship deserves a second chance. He lived in doubt and resentment for years, trying to heal his broken heart. It was me who gave him the strength to forget the pain and let himself fall in love again. Sam said it. He could afford to be generous to the person who had hurt him only because of me. My boyfriend already has everything he wants, so there is no more spite in him. It is time for me to follow his lead and stop allowing my monsters to come back again and again. I will kick them out for good. 

   I dial the number and wait to hear the voice on the other side. My lips stretch in a smile. I love this woman.

   "Hey, Rose! How are you? Sorry for the late call... 

   Yeah, we are ok. The dinner is great... 

   No, Sam is being fantastic... I know... I know, but there's no need for that. He is very respectful indeed...Ugh...Thank you!... Let's not bother Nicol... 

   I am calling to ask for a favor. There is a phone number I need, and I think you can help me...

   I am sure... Don't worry... I'll tell Sam later, I promise...

   Thanks! Send our love to Nicol. See you next week. Bye!... 

   Ok... Yes, I will...  No, I won't... Yes... Yes... No...

   Sorry! I have to go... I really need to visit the restroom... Bye, Rose!"

   My phone screen lights up in a few seconds, indicating that I have received the text message from Rose, containing the requested number. I take a deep breath and dial it. 

   It is now or never.


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Hello, at the end of chapter 77!

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Love: Anny  

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