Chapter 4.5 (if Tera were to reincarnate as a 16 yrs. old teenage young girl)

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Author: I planned to make each character version for this side story, so let me start with the First Person. thus, with each version of them, it'll be one chapter each and that'll be the end of this side story.


1st person

Tera opens her eyes to the dimly lit room, though it is daytime no one has opened the thick drapes. How the smell of the Alcohol last night was intoxicating, yet this morning it adds to nausea. The thirst stays after each slow drink of water and my head feels fit to crack open.

She wanted to move, get up from this hotbed yet she felt sticky. Nevertheless, her thirst was strong

Tera's POV:

I thought I'd been drinking a lot last night because of my pounding head, vomit taste in my mouth, and parched sensation. My throat was rough as sandpaper. My body immediately felt soar when I tried to get up, and it hurts to move. However, rather than my hurting body...

"Where am I?"

My eyes widened as I looked around when I noticed someone's arm desperately holding around my waist. I was being held so tightly that I couldn't get out.

I was instantly intrigued to see who he was, but I put it aside as I tried to pull his arm away from me so that I could go.

till the bed began to move, and my body hurried to go back into bed and sleep. Lying is the ideal opportunity, and if the guy wakes up first, I'm sure he'll be the first one to go.

However, I suddenly felt some sensation with not an inch of movement from him I can feel. In that split second before his touch, every nerve in my body and brain is electrified. he was clinging unto me as if he's instinctively searched for warmth, causing me to move a bit farther away from him.

I pondered this for a while: shouldn't a one-night stand be the end of it and move on, right?  How can this man still cling to me and oh, plainly I can feel his morning buldge? I can fcking tell.

then suddenly

"Good morning Tera"

his breath, so close to mine. I felt electricity in my skin again. I'm still not confident to open up my eyes but his voice is so familiar it made me shiver yet I was scared

it kills me not to pay attention as to who he is right in front of me so I slowly opened them, trying to relax until another touch of his made my eyes pop right open

"you... no way"

His fingers slowly caressed my cheek as if afraid a heavier touch would break the heady magic.

"I didn't know that we'd end up in this situation " he chuckled

right after he said that I snap back to my sense and push his hands away from me and move away from him. he flinched a bit, Sure the slap stings, but knowing you aren't in control of yourself is the greater cause for concern.

"How did you end up here LUKE?"

"it pains me that you don't remember what had happened to us last night, how our ambivalence shifts to enthusiasm. "

"please get it straight, i don't even know what the hell you're talking about," i said, clearly annoyed by his narcissistic sound again

"We had sex, of course, we were both lost in the moment"

i sighed, It breaks my heart to downgrade my expectations of him, but I don't want to end up bitter.

Suddenly a rival in a shoujo manga?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang