Chapter V

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Tera P.O.V.

It's been a year and today is my birthday, I'm turning 11 and just 1 more year I'll be sent away from all of this. And it's been a year that Luke and I have been really close friends and Armand. Well he's still a brat although he sometimes open up to me.

Whenever I talk about Luke in front of Armand, he would sulk and Whenever I talk about Armand in front of Luke, he would creepily smile and ignore me. What the hell is the problem with these two. It's been a rough year and yet I somehow enjoyed my time with them, they just don't seem to get along at all. 


That last time when Luke barged in to my room with another present, he knew Armand was by my side all the time but he doesn't mind it and Armand knew that Luke always comes in here and doesn't mind it at all, i guess they're going to get along just well in the future. baby steps and they'll be that ideal best friends who's going to be together until the heroine herself destroys that friendship.

sigh*, it's just sad.

Luke P.O.V.

today is Tera's bday, i've been giving her a lot of presents and snacks and even if she keeps on rejecting them i bet she won't reject something worth what i'm going to give her today.

she's ever so lovely, beautiful and gorgeous. even though i'm still a kid but i promise i'll make Tera mine. i've been thinking a lot and i just don't want to let you go and i know you're acting mature and kind of pretty hard to get through your head sometimes but i won't give up.

i even promised my mom and


Yes, we made a bet to whoever wins the heart of Tera shall be with her for life and we plan on not telling Tera about this.

Armand and I may have the same feelings and i know it's something Armand wouldn't commit saying it because they're a family however he simply doesn't give up as they are not family by blood so we promise to wait and let her realize how much we like her. 

it may be a huge risk for the both of us but i definitely won't give up and win her heart. 

Armand P.O.V.

"Tera, are you not done picking your clothes?" 

she is busy looking a dress to look pretty but that doesn't matter at all right now, she's beautiful in any clothes she can wear but.

"Armand! look! dad gave me this white dress, does it look good on me?"

i froze

"i-uh... it looks fine to me"

oh come on Armand! is that all you got to tell her?! 

"fine? well, thank you for that compliment. were you waiting for me to be finish?"

say yes Armand

"pfttt waiting for you? of course not, i just want you to hurry up cause dad is looking for me."

yes i've been waiting for you but i don't care as long as long as i'll be here to stay with you

Armand! you said the opposite words!!! 

now look! she's pouting! sht!

"uhh anyways, hurry up."

should've been kind to her, should've said something like Luke would've said but i can't, i just can't because we're a family and seeing my dad happy is something i can't break but having this feelings for a year made me realize that it hurts. so i'll say this once for her and i hope she'll take it in her heart forever.


she looks at me with that puppy eyes.

"happy birthday and yes, you look pretty. no- you look beautiful everyday Tera" 

i said it and smiled. hehe 

even though it might be a shock but looking at Tera with her eyes widen and cheeks flush red. that just made me feel hope that i'll change to become a better man to you someday.

"I..uhh thank you Armand."

Yup, that was all. I left in a hurry cause i don't want to let her see my face right now and it's a freaking mess seeing her smile after she thanked me. Sht.

Tera P.O.V

Hehe, my birthday is going to go smoothly.

Everything changes fast and with the things are now compared to the original manga, this is like the better version from it but rather this might turn into a romcom haha

(Author: oh wow, romcom? Are you sure about that?)

Well now that things settled down, i just hope that i don't get to ruin more misfortunes in the future

And i hope Luke and the heroine would fall in love peacefully.

And i also hope Armand is going to fully accept me as her sister.

(Author: think all you can Tera, but do wait for the upbringings of your future. And HI GUYS hehe i'm back!)

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