Chapter XX

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Third Person's POV

"Armand let's go and have the best day today!" the young lady bloomed as she holds the young man's arm

"today? i thought you'd be busy with Luke?" Armand asked

"oh him? he said that he has some business with his family and i'm bored if he's not with me so how about we go and hang out instead?"

the puppy eyes she gives for him sparkled. thus, he can't control how cute she looks (lol)

"alright but i should probably inform Tera first-" as he was about to call his step sister, suddenly the young lady grabs his phone and said "why would you call her? didn't you hate her in the first place?"

confuse looking Armand "i- yeah but it's not like i can get away with it, we've become a family Lucy"

Her face crumble, her brows furrowed and saw nothing short of disgust on her face, almost hatred, as her face reddened with anger. "fine! then let's not talk anymore! you and Luke are the same! you never love me do you?! after i rejected your confession, you go and cry your shoulder by your step sister. gosh, she bullied me Armand"

Too shocked to hear her outrage burst, he suddenly came close to Lucy and hug her. "i'm sorry, i won't do that anymore....." pats her head slowly to calm her tears down

a smirk came in her face slowly


Tera's POV

i mean, it was my fault that Tera bullied her but shouldn't she be.... like, use her words in a different way??? poor brother, why do you have to be the second lead

i thought processing and remembering that scene in The manga. i eyed my brother from his side profile while driving and thought again on why didn't the FL choose him? like, wouldn't everyone drool by his gentle handsomeness?

 i eyed my brother from his side profile while driving and thought again on why didn't the FL choose him? like, wouldn't everyone drool by his gentle handsomeness?

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

damn, dad really did the printing on him, copy and paste! perfect (lmao). i mean, if i was definitely the female lead, i would've chose you instead of Luke... 

"stop staring, we're here" 

(listen to this while reading)

 frozen as i watched in awe when he suddenly turn his head slowly as he looks at me in the eye. "....." complete silent fills in the air, suddenly my body refused to move, too shocked, too embarrassed at his beautiful face. i haven't noticed that In that intensity of colour, we exist only in that moment, in the tiniest fragment of time.

his eyes that remind you that spring was coming. glimmering color of emerald, sparkling in the light of the morning sun. The shirt, however, was nowhere near as luminous as the eyes I could spend hours looking into, learning to read his every mood. No matter the mood, his eyes were always, always passionate when they turned upon me.

i froze until i suddenly felt his warm hands reach on top of my face and touch it, caressing it as if i was fragile, slowly i succumb to his warmness and love it if time would just stop.

i didn't know...... that this moment suddenly go interrupted with a loud laugh outside the car.

panicking, i got out and said "finally! some fresh air" automatically i laugh to get rid of those thoughts that i never knew which is weird.

Armand slowly got out of his car and smiled in front of me "yes, fresh air"

We stared at each other in an odd way, as if it were a silent argument again but my anxious mind keep telling me to get out of this weird feelings you have right now and face reality.

"um.. let's go?"

(just imagine tera and armand here)

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

(just imagine tera and armand here)

our atmosphere suddenly turned awkward. i can't imagine how embarrassing i did for staring at his face so long it made me look stupid. 


it's a short chapter for today but i need time to reread this story so i can think on a good plot. thank you guys for waitingg! luv u!

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