Chapter XVIII

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"Gosh, I miss Nicole"

I sighed, resting my head on the wooden desk. It's been lonely without her calls lately and i guess she must be busy with her boyfriend right now.

now that i think about it, it was weird that she introduced her boyfriend after she was hospitalized.... weird but anyways, i guess that's what you call love and looking at Nicole. well she's a bit crazy, so i bet with her craziness, she might have took a lot of effort to take that baby face boyfriend of hers.

(If you want to know more about Nicole, Read my other story which is called "The Empress takes the King's Crown") 

Class ended but i'm still waiting for a reply from Nicole. I've sent her a text on how she and Clyde are doing, but there was no comeback of replies at all.

I banged my head on the desk but somehow i didn't feel the bang and got hurt. 

someone came and stopped me, using his hands. as i look up, it was Luke.

"You're still here?"

It has been awkward these days but i guess we're working on it because we're still engaged.

"I was waiting for you... sensei called."

oh damn, i forgot about that.

"right, should we get going then?"

I was about to stand up from my seat but Luke pulled me back down again from my seat. 

"why don't we take our time and rest? you seem stress these days."

He smiled gently while facing in front of me and i can't help but feel bashful. he seems gentle now these days but the fact that him and the heroine. they kept on having weird encounters lately, as if it was rather.... forced?

I shake my head and thought that it's just some weird faith of manga.

suddenly, Luke's hand patted my head and said "you shouldn't move too much. lay your head and rest for about 10 minutes. I'll wake you up"

I'm still afraid if he might do something to me but the way he pats my head gently suddenly made me yawn. 

"then... you better wake me up"

I closed my eyes and heard a chuckled from him and a whisper that i couldn't very hear clearly.

* * * * * * * * * *

"didn't you told me you'd wake me up 10 minutes?"

Luke who was on my side as we walk towards going home and said "uh yeah i did"

"you liar. you even fell asleep and we woke up already night!"

he scratched the back of his head while groaning from his clumsy mistake. "I'm sorry... it was just comfortable..."

Looking at him... I don't even want to know if i should slap him but he's being too cute right now which is too frustrating. 

"we could've taken the bus if we weren't that late to wake up."

"then should i just call David-san and pick us up?" /David is his driver slash his butler/

"uhh maybe It's better to use a bus and walk than have him pick us up." I wasn't complaining but David-san is somehow weird and looking out a lot for Luke. but I'm more thankful to have him with his side than his father. 

"but it's funny that i haven't seen David-san nowadays, how is he?" i asked

"he's been.... busy"

Suddenly a rival in a shoujo manga?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें