Chapter XV

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"Tera, what's wrong dear?"

I look at my mom with a sulk face "it's nothing"

My mom comes closer as she lifts her right arm and lightly made her hand to touch my arm and caress it lightly as if  i was fragile

"Then there must be something, you look depressed, didn't the music event trip made you happy?"

"It was but..."

"Oh my, did luke do something to you? Is that the reason you look sad right n-"

I shake my head as i said "no"

"It's kind of like, my fault"

"Wha... what are you talking about?"

""I-uh left luke alone... it wasn't because it's his fault at all! I... i was just.. turned out to be a coward and ran away"


Suddenly my mom slap my left arm

"Ouch! What you do that for? That hurts"

"Well it's your fault for being immature dear, Luke did all his best to be with you"

"Ya! Shouldn't you be supporting me?"

"Was until you did something worse and don't ya me, i'm your mother"

Ughh i knew this would happen if i talked to her

"Alright2x i'll go to luke's house and apologize"

"You should be! Oh how poor luke must've been"

Suddenly i look at my mom sulking.

I groaned and decide to do what's right, it is my fault after all. Luke seems to be obsessive but he's actually more like a child who's pure and innocent...i really should apologize and suddenly my mom interrupts me again

"Go! Should i slap that sense out of you again?"

"Fine! Fine! I'm going geez"

to be honest, i suddenly felt down. i tried to resist myself on not get too close but i guess i was too much.

I was heading towards Luke's house and as i look around while carrying my umbrella. His car wasn't parked here yet.

Knocked the door and Luke's mom opened it with a question face written all over her. "Oh tera, you're back? But... where's Luke?"

Shit, he's still at the mall

"Wait! Tera! Where are you going?"

I hurriedly ran away and look for Luke at the mall again. Panting heavily with heavh sweats and running around to look for him.... it's my fault..... damn it.

I roamed around each floors and Luke wasn't still anywhere even at the parking area.

"Luke.... where are you."

It was closing time at the mall so i just left, sighed and don't know what to do. I'm just sitting here at the bus station alone waiting for a taxi or a bus to ride....

"Ugh... what am i gonna do." Regret and guilt feels in my hole

* * * * *

My eyes take in every ray of light and without a doubt I know I couldn't sleep last night so well. It's 6 am and today is going to be my first class.

Ahhhh fck it

"Tera! Wake up! It's time for you to go"

My mom knocked on my door to notice that it's morning.. well i'm already fully awake.

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