Chapter XIX

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As far as i know, Clyde hasn't been replying and answering my calls after that confession but....

I swiped the phone call and answer it... I waited for his voice until the sound coming from the other line seems to be in a rough situation

"...." i heard men and women's voices and a sound that hits your eardrums. 


there was no answer. 

"clyde? are you... drunk?"

of course he is.

"Te... Tera....." his rough voice mixed with his drunk soar voice makes my body shiver. clyde doesn't often get drunk and i know him but maybe it's because it's always me and nicole that ends up getting drunk instead. i guess you can say that he's caring towards us. 

"what's wrong?" of course, the only question i can ask 

as he was going to say something, the call ended and turns out he was the one who ended it.

"the hell?" i'm confusion and worried at the same time.

someone knocked the door twice, surprisingly it was my brother

"Tera, are you free tomorrow?" my brother ask as he gently opens the door

"yeah, tomorrow is sunday.... why?" 

i got up on my chair and went towards Armand and lend him my chair to sit down. 

"i was hoping maybe we could go out... it hasn't been a single day where we have beenn hanging out and i apologize if i let Luke guide you..."

looking at him with his shaking and nervous hands... how could i not? he's too precious and somehow he's open to me more than the original Armand.

"that would be great! i wanted to hang out with you more Armand and its been so long that we haven't gone to that amusement park we went to before."

that's right, Armand and I, when we were kids escapes or ran away because it was that time where my mom and stepdad fought. i knew something like that happened so the only idea that came up was to escape and not make  Armand worry over a silly fight with our parents. they're adults and they should think like one. desperately i was worried about armand and that was also the time where Armand's personality changed


"i don't want to go with you! let go!"

Armand let go of my hand as we were trying to run away, well just a bit and we're just going to come back home when our parents are done fighting but this kid is just too stubborn

then an idea pops up

"what are you talking about? we're going out to have fun" i said as i smiled brightly

glaring at me with his fierce eyes, he suddenly said "why would i go with you and have fun when your mom slapped my dad!"

that moment..... i can't comprehend what happened and didn't read that part on why my mom slapped his dad but what i can think of right now is my mom was also hurting deep inside as well, clearly looking at her teary eyes made me want to slap that guys handsome face. 

"that's why i'm telling you that we should escape"

confuse was all written in armand's face

"why do we even need to escape? my dad needs me"

"and they need us" i stated, Armand's eyes widen as he realize what im talking about

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