It All Falls Apart [Part IV]

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|| Tsunade ||

We weren't sure exactly when we would hear back, everyday minute that passed only made me more anxious. I wasn't sure they could save Sakura. The only part of me that was sure of the fact that Sakura was still alive was this seal on my forehead that link the two of us together.

I leaned back into the cushioned chair across from Naruto, he and Shikamaru were distracting themselves with village business to take away from the fact that they were just as worried. Naruto was never one to hide it though, he sighed every so often, taking almost unnoticeable glances in my direction, wondering if I had any idea when the four of them would be back. I didn't, and that part of the matter only made that feeling worse.

As I listened to the two of them go on and on about trivial issues, sorting through heaps of paperwork, I felt an intense throbbing sensation start at my forehead. I usually could ignore my migraines by now, but this was different. Images came to me in blurred clusters, a battle between two people and it felt like I was one of them. A ball of flames shot out at me, the orange and red bloom seemed tangible. I watched through that person's eyes, pink locks visible as day, those same delicate yet hell crumbling fists that I trained years ago. As the intense pains subsided, I realized I was hunched over and breathless, Naruto and Shikamaru immediately at my aid, "Granny Tsunade, are you alright?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine," I repeated, realizing that my dear student was in danger and there was nothing I could do but sit idly by and wait for those three to bring her back. "I just don't think Sakura is."

"Wh-what do you mean? What's going on with Sakura?" Naruto's cerulean eyes settled on me, wide-eyed in panic. He would always care for her, a sister—a first crush—a close friend...

I forced myself up knowing it was all a waiting game, I'd have to ready to bring them back to our time when they had her, no slip ups from our end. They were likely in danger as they worried about my well-being, but I didn't matter in this moment. I pulled together all my strength and lifted my body up, retrieving the scroll from my pockets, "Don't worry, she'll be back in no time." I repeated aloud so I would believe those words myself. "We just need to be ready for them at any moment."


|| Sakura ||

The unhinged glare from those Mangeyko sharingans ripped through my courageous façade. He was twisted enough to want to end me right here and now, not considering whether my death would be harsh and brutal and slow or quickly and painless. No—he didn't care how I died, just that I would. His kekkei genki observed my every movement, I was cautious not to be impulsive, thinking about what he would hit me with next. We were both very obviously out of breath, our shoulders' movements deep and heavy from our bodies' desperate need for oxygen. This one-on-one left me exhausted and on my toes. Neither of us were admitting defeat though. My hundred healings wouldn't last for long, I was draining my power through forced impacts. I needed to land a direct hit on him, put the rest of my power into taking him down and I only had a few opportunities, but it was difficult when his evasion skills were about as impressive as my own—if not more troublesome. Madara proved to be a challenge against an entire army, I wouldn't put it past the young Uchiha brother to be capable of similar feats. My choice was boiled down to two options, it was either to knock him out and find Madara or kill him here and now. Neither were preferable but he's not giving me much of a choice. Once more, I focused my chakra to my hands, except this time I shaped them into serrated blades that extended at my own fingertips, I was lacking weapons, but who needed weapons when I was the most dangerous one of all. The only time this ever came in handy to me was during the fourth shinobi war and Naruto was on the brink of death all over again. I don't know how many times that knuckle head could cheat death, but he was damn good at it. I remember my hand slicing open an area close enough to his ribcage to pump his heart with my own hand, the warmth of his blood fading as his tailed beast was extracted. Those images fleeting as I heard, Izuna chuckle to himself, "You're going to have to submit to me at some point."

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