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Last night felt like the night before, restlessness and dreams of mama. Even in my dreams I was constantly reminded of her death. It was an inescapable reality that my mind set before me. Every time I'd close my eyes I could picture her bright green ones. I would reach out towards her, but she kept walking away.

The lack of sleep I'd gotten gave me dark circles and my one-track mind made me a burden to my teammates. They didn't blame me, but they knew I was incapable of going on missions for a while. I still trained, but it wasn't the same without her. She'd yell at me from the across the yard and complain about how important it was to control my chakra. Karin would ask if I wanted to spar, but I didn't want her to take mama's place in any way. Even if it wasn't her intention.

I sighed to myself as I dropped my head in the palms of my hands. I was exhausted from shuriken practice and could use the rest, so I hopped down from the tree stump I was on and laid on the grass below me. The clouds were my sheep and I counted until my eyes couldn't stay open.


Her heart was pounding and her breathing was harsh. A flash of pink crossed my path as  my mother ran through the deepening woods. The Uchiha symbol on her back was clear as the night sky above her. She ran from something, no-to something. I wanted to follow her, but my legs were weighed down. It was like a cement covered my feet. All I could do was call out to her, hoping she'd hear the sound of my voice. "Mama, Mama."


"Sarada. Sarada, wake up! You'll catch a cold out here," Papa said. It was the first time in week that he had spoken a word to me, "Come on, I'll walk you home."

I nodded in agreement and held his single hand in mine. We needed each other, whether we knew it or not. Papa and I took a shortcut through the training grounds to get home, but it still felt quiet. "You know, I've been dreaming about her."

"Me too," was all he could say before a single tear fell from his eye. It was a start.


The camp greeted the two of us with stares and obvious whispers, but Madara didn't seem even the slightest bit bothered by it. He marched through the camp with his shoulders back and head forward, not taking his eyes off the large tent in the center. I received raised brows and narrowed eyes from the clan that I had never met, but was a married into. My short pink locks, diamond seal, and emerald eyes made me stand out from the rest, but I wasn't sure if being the odd one out was the right thing to be.

"Wait here," Madara said with his palm held out to stop me in my tracks.

"This again? I thought we already distinguished that I could take care of myself," I rolled my eyes.

"There is business I have to deal with first and then we can get to introductions, alright? I'm sure you can hold off for a few minutes," He said walking away from me and into the tent. I waved it off much like I did everything else he told me. I was curious about what this "business" was.

I walked casually around the tent to the entrance to get a peak and hear in on his conversation. The bits of conversation I caught were surrounding the Senju, but I didn't get far as the collar of my shirt was being pulled into the tent. "What are you-Madara, care to explain yourself?"

S-Sasuke. "Ah, yes. She was my next order of business. One that can't listen to save her life, but thankfully enough saved mine," Madara openly joked. "Izuna, this is Sakura. Uchiha, Sakura."

I didn't hold out my hand or say a word, my gaze didn't drop and neither did my feet to the floor. He put me down with a confused expression and all I could do was stare. "S-Sasuke," was all I whispered to myself as I pictured him in front of me. My ears drowned out the sound of my name and all I did was reach out to touch him with my hand, so I could brush my finger-tips across his face once again. It wasn't the same cheek, but I imagined it was. He didn't move and he seemed to understand, but I knew in my heart that my eyes were playing a trick on me and that this wasn't my husband. I withdrew from his face and held my hand to my chest, looking down at the floor beneath me.

I gritted my teeth and shook my head, shaking myself free from the torture my mind had placed upon me. "I-I'm sorry. My apologies. My name is Uchiha, Sakura."

"No need for apologies, I'm sure you have your reasons. My name is Uchiha, Izuna. I'm Madara's younger brother," Izuna said giving me the smallest hint of a smile and went back to being serious within seconds. "While I am understanding, how is it you're an Uchiha?"

"My Husband was an Uchiha and passed away not long after our wedding," I lied swallowing my fear. "Unfortunately, I don't remember much from the fact that I'm widowed and a medic.

"My most sincere condolences to you and your loss," Izuna apologized not holding back in his small interrogation. "I hope you don't mind me asking his name. It's just that no Uchiha has married outside of our clan as far as we know."

"No, I don't mind, it's just...I don't actually know. Everything else is just a blur. My husband told me the name would someday protect me, and so far, it has. But If I am overstepping any boundaries by coming here, I'd be happy to leave," I stated not breaking eye contact with Izuna. But it was hard to look at him since all I would see was Sasuke. I think, he thought that I was trying to infiltrate their camp or expose their plans to the enemy.

"That won't be necessary, right, Izuna," Madara said stepping in. "I believe she could be an asset to us."

"As a medic? We have plenty. We need armed capable men out on the battle field, not some woman you barely know," Izuna argued with his brother. "Besides, we make decision regarding our clan together. She was married in, not born in."

"I'm not just a medic for your information," I glared between the two of them. "I can fight."

"You?" Izuna huffed at my words. He seemed so much different from when I walked in, but I guess I should have known that Uchiha's have that asshole trait somewhere deep down. "Just to amuse me, let's see you handle a sparring match with my brother. That should be interesting."

Unexpected || MadaSaku ||Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz