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|| Sakura ||

Madara was fast asleep, mumbling nonsense as I crept quietly from out of his hold. I felt guilty about sasuke, and having Madara lay next to me last night, but I honestly couldn't sleep alone after everything that happened. I pictured that it was him in his place. That the two of us were home on our king-sized mattress, holding onto each other like there was nowhere in the world we would rather be. That his long black locks would tickle the back of my neck as he kissed it; the thought of it send shivers down my spine. I tiptoed out of the room and closed the sliding door behind me, hearing a slight groan escape Madara's throat. I sighed in relief, through the crack of the door as he was rolling over, still fast asleep.

Although we'd gotten ready at the Uchiha compound, we'd decided to stay at a nearby Onsen to save the time of traveling to the campsite once our mission was over. I didn't complain though, it just meant I could choose to listen to Madara's bickering or bathe in a muscle relaxing hot spring. I think it was obvious I'd chose the latter.

The steam lifted from the naturally heated spring into the freezing morning air, making a tempting call to anyone who came close enough to see its clear waters. I let my towel drop to the floor and dipped my body into the spring, immediately feeling my muscles unwind and un-tense as they made contact, "Ah, this was exactly what I needed," I exhaled.

"I know exactly what you mean," an elegant and familiar voice hummed from the opposite side of the spring. My head shot to the side in surprise, frantically searching for who the voice belonged to since I couldn't put my finger on it. I noticed her crimson bun poke out from the side of the rocks that stood in the center, she didn't bother to come out from her unintentional hiding place.

"Mito?" I asked, making sure it wasn't another red-head that I was confusing her with. But it seems the universe was on my side since it was the fiery woman I guessed it to be. What was she doing here, wasn't she supposed to be on her honeymoon?

"Ah, so you did notice me. I saw you walk in, but I wasn't sure if I should've said hello. I'm sorry if I startled you," She said coming out from behind the rock. "Are you here with Madara?"

"You didn't, no worries. But yeah, unfortunately..." I sighed. "Are you here with Hashirama by any chance?"

"Yes, we're on our honeymoon, but it's nice to be on my own from time to time. Believe it or not, Hashirama is a bit overwhelming in the bedroom..." She shyly trailed off, clearing her throat as soon as it escaped her mouth. "Sorry, I didn't mean to get too personal."

"No, don't worry about it," I assured her.

It was quiet for a moment, nothing but the sound of rising steam and the ripples from our unnoticeable movements could be heard. Mito's deep brown eyes landed on me, focusing them on my forehead like they had the night of the reception. "Sakura, I know you've told me before, but that seal...Are you sure you aren't a Senju or Uzumaki?"

"As far as I know, I'm not," I answered her, placing my index finger and thumb on my jaw line as I thought about my family tree. "I don't know much about my family, but none of them have mentioned anything about our ancestors being from either of those clans."

"Ah, I see," She narrowed her eyebrows together a bit disappointed. "Can I... touch you?"

"Eh?" my emerald eyes widened. "T-Touch me?"

Mito nodded her head and came towards me without saying a word. The closer she got, the more I stepped backwards, feeling the cement edge of the spring softly hit the back of my head. Her dainty, manicured hands held my head in place, our eyes staring into each other. "M-Mito?"

"Shh," She hushed me with her index finger to my lips. Despite how nervous she made me, I trusted her. "Relax for me, will you? I'm going to try something..."

I paused for a moment at her words, but her voice was so soft and stern that was impossible not to trust her. Everything, with the exception of her looks, reminded of Tsunade. I swallowed my worries, closing my eyes to relax as she tilted my head back into the water until covered my ears and everything sounded like white noise. Mito placed both her pointer and index fingers on my left and right temples, she then firmly planted her thumb on the corners of the diamond seal on my forehead. I could feel her chakra seeping through and wandering-looking for something. And as if a lightning bolt had struck me, I felt my body surge, her chakra mixing with mine and mine mixing with hers. The sensation was almost unexplainable, it was as if her soul danced with mine. I wasn't sure what it was or what she was doing, but I still tried to relax, putting my faith in a woman I had only just met. Minutes that felt like hours passed and Mito finally lifted my head out of the water, now taking her my hands into hers.

"Do you feel it?" She asked me, taking in a deep breath.

"Your chakra?" I questioned.

"No, my life force...It acts like chakra, but it's more than that," Mito explained, intertwining our fingers. "I hope I'm not making you uncomfortable, but I am doing something very personal..."

"What do you mean?" I opened my eyes, watching her focus.

"I'm combining our life forces. This is how I can search for our connection..." She concentrated. Connection? She thinks I'm connected to her? "Yes, I do think you're connected to me."

"H-How did you know what I was-"

"I am a part of you right now, Sakura. Your deepest thoughts, most precious memories..." Mito trailed off. Her eyes shot open, letting go of my hands.

"Sakura-" Was all I heard her say as my body went limp and fell into the water, blacking out.


|| Sarada ||

Each step up those stairs, was a step closer to being to my mom. I'd missed her, and although Tsunade said not to get my hopes up by thinking she was alive and well, I couldn't help it. The scent of her cherry shampoo that I used every morning, and the quirky smile that I caught onto were the trivial things I missed. She was my mom, so of course I needed her. So many questions raced through my mind, is she looking for me too? Is she trying to get back home as well?

I pushed the doors of the scroll room open, Tsunade sat there reading through each one carefully. She looked up at me with her hazel eyes and smirk forming on her lips as I walked in, "It's about time you got here. I think I may have found something."

"Is it about the dreams and visions I've been having?"

"Not exactly, but I think you're going to like what I have to say next," Tsunade smiled, handing me the scroll.

"What is this?"

"It's a Senju, Uzumaki clan scroll," Tsuande explained, motioning me with her hands to open it. My eyes trailed down the parchment as it unraveled, and widened as I saw what she discovered. "That's-"


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