8 | Surprise for Caroline

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George's POV

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George's POV

"We reckon he's nicked...three to four million
in the last five months. Raise the bounty on his head. 25,000 crowns." Robin Hood. That was all I could think about. Since he appeared it was all getting worse. Despite the price on his head, Robin shaped the growing band of outlaws into a formidable force against me. They robbed rich folk passing through the forest and distributed the stolen wealth and food among the poor. Mortianna kept repeating I must destroy him. "Begging your pardon, it won't do no good... how much you raise it." I turned behind my advisor Scribe's voice. "Why is that?"

"Because of the poor. He gives them what he takes. Well, sire...they love him." Scribe admitted. I stared at him for a while, trying breath in and out. "Just a minute. Robin Hood steals money from my pocket...forcing me to hurt the public...and they love him for it?" I asked, holding myself back. "Yes, sire." Sribe nodded. I growled, throwing a cup of wine his direction. "That's it! Cancel the kitchen scraps for lepers. No more merciful beheadings. And call off Christmas!" I shouted, rushing from the room, Scribe instantly following me.

"The treasury is empty. Day and night people plague my door...whining for tax relief and safe passage through Sherwood Forest." I glared, mimicking them. "We can't pay thee what the highwayman's taken." Scribe tried to comfort me. "It's the shortest route to London!" I growled at him. "It's the only route to London, you little ferret!" As I wanted shout more, I saw Scribe little pointing behind me. I was annoyed what's up but I quickly tried calm myself and hide my short temper. I spotted Caroline.

Since our accident in church which led to better terms between us, I saw her travelling around castle without any problem. I was in relief she wasn't locked all days in her room and sometimes even approached me herself. It was awkward but I had no idea how to properly win her. "She's really adorable girl." Scribe admitted, making me frown. "Not for your eyes." I felt little bad after that as I yelled at him since morning. Back then I wouldn't mind but as Caroline was around there was some change.

"I've never felt this way about anyone." I commented, looking unexceptedly nervous in front of Scribe. "That's natural, sire. You have nothing to worry about as you told me, she agreed to give you a chance. That's a good start." Scribe reassured me. "Yeah but...I want to do something for her. But what should I do?" I sighed, feeling hopeless deep down. Caroline wasn't girl who I could win over jewelry, I was sure about it. "Well, there's the usual things. Flowers, chocolates, promises you don't intend to keep." Scribe said, trying help me.

"Yeah...but is that special enough?" I asked, losted in thoughts. "I see. It must be something that sparks her interest. Well, I saw her wandering in stables.." Scribe started name some of Caroline's activites in castle and that was the moment I realized. "Stables..of course! That's it! That's it! You're not such idiot, Scribe! Yeah, that's it!" I cheered, making Scribe confused. "What are you talking about, sire?" I had no time to respond as I was already heading away. I finally had plan how to do something special for Caroline.

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