11 | Beauty and the Sheriff

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George's POV

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George's POV

"Well, I saw her in the ballroom tonight...and said, "You're making everything look so beautiful. "We should have a date together." I never imagined she'd actually say yes!" I got myself in quite trouble as I was sat in my room and continued bother Scribe about the situation. I saw Caroline in the ballroom around noon and tried be little charming, unfortunately I got myself in the situation where I will embarrass myself since I never had a proper date. "What was I thinking?" I groaned, rolling my eyes.

"No, sire. It's perfect." Scribe reassured me. "There's no girl who would say no to a beautiful moonlight and romantic candlelight. And when the moment's just right...yes, tonight is the night. You must tell her how you feel." His romantic speech had no use for me as I already imagined worse scenario. "I feel like a fool. She will never love me. I...I'm not sure I can really do this." I said in a soft but irritated tone, as Scribe knew exactly how to mess with me since my knowledge about proper romance was none.

"You care for the girl, don't you?" Scribe asked, making me roll eyes. "More than anything! But I...I'm afraid I'll lose her. I just have to be sure that she wants me back now." Scribe knew this as well, but he had to push a bit more. "Well, then, you must tell her. It's the only way. Be bold. Be daring and I'm sure Caroline will find herself in love with you." The difference between me and Scribe was that he was very optimistic and I was rather realistic. Yet, the thought of holding Caroline in my arms without force and just out of genuine interest made me excited and hopeful at same time.

"Fine. I...I will do that." I said in a rather determined tone, as I tried gather all my courage. "Now, leave me alone for a moment." I growled, as I wanted to be by myself to prepare for the perfect night with Caroline.

Caroline's POV

I was waiting on the stairs of ballroom. I was still surprised about George's invitation to this kind of date. It was much better than being forced or dragged on some dinner like last time. I couldn't help but he really did changed. Who knows? Maybe this evening will be really nice after all. Along with my beautiful bedroom, George also gifted me a whole wardrobe filled with finest gowns. I had eye on one beautiful yellow gown but I wanted surprise him so I picked a black gown which I gave a little change.

I dedicated to make the gown special in a way to make it look little like George's clothing. I placed some gold stones on the black gown, hoping it would make George happy. Did I really tried impress him? Maybe he wasn't only one changing, since I found a change in myself as well. "Caroline." I quickly looked up to see George approaching me. He was surprised for a few seconds, as he walked into the ballroom. He truly didn't expect me to have made these changes to the dress, as he thought that I would just wear it the way it was. However, I could see he did like the changes.

Beauty and the Sheriff | SHERIFF OF NOTTINGHAM Where stories live. Discover now