13 | Mortianna's Revenge

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Caroline's POV

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Caroline's POV

It was early morning and I slowly woke up. Most of the outlaw's camp been already awake and doing their activities I saw the recent day. I dedicated search for Robin as I remained in the hut with Uncle who continued sleeping. After a while of wandering around, I finally spotted Robin with Marian. They were having so much fun together so I rather didn't bother them and slowly walked back. As I wanted return in the hut, a young man bumped into me. "Hey, watch out!" He hissed at me. "I'm sorry." I quickly apologized but stopped as he continued staring at me with hatred.

He had dirty blonde hair, two smaller ocean eyes and he was around my height. For many ladies, he must have been the definition of heartthrob. Not for me though. "So you're that Caroline? You're nothing special, just as I excepted." He glared at me. "Excuse me?" I asked in confusion. "Don't act all innocent, you think you're something more but the reality is you're nothing more than Sheriff's whore." He insulted me but before I could even realize how terrible his insults were, a little boy appeared and pulled me away. "Leave her alone, Will! She haven't done anything to you." The little boy defended me as he dragged me away from the guy.

"T-thank you." I sighed in relief as the boy taken me away. "W-who was that?" I asked. "Will Scarlet. Robin's half brother." The boy explained. "Robin's half brother...?" I blinked as I couldn't believe it. "I had no idea...I lived with Robin my entire childhood but never known about this." The boy gave me a slight nod. "Will despised Robin too but now they're on better terms, you see he ran away from Locksley castle when he was a kid...I'm sorry how he treated you, you seem so nice."

"It's alright...it's just...I maybe know how he feels. His father gave his love to me, an orphan who means nothing instead of own son. He might be right and I don't blame him for being so...defensive." I sighed sadly, although his insult about me being George's whore did hurt. "I'm Wulf, by the way." He gave me a supportive smile, extending his hand. "A little gentleman, I see. It's nice to meet you, Wulf." I smiled and squeezed his hand in return. He was so kind and sweet. "You really sacrificed yourself to save Malcolm of Locksley from Sheriff of Nottingham?" Wulf asked, his curiosity was noticeable.

"Well, I don't know about sacrifice but yes...in some way. But I found out that George...Sheriff of Nottingham..isn't so evil like he appears. He's just little misunderstood." I smiled gently, losted in memories. "Really? I thought he was a ruthless tyrant." Wulf admitted. "So did I...at first he was mean, even coarse and unrefined...but then...he changed and he was actually dear and very gentle. I was confused as well but he really appeared to be a whole different person." I continued and by each word I realized how I miss George's presence.

"Wow...he sounds as a whole new person." Wulf chuckled and then he payed attention to Georgie. "That's your horse?" I smiled as I approached him. "Yes, Sheriff gifted him to me. Would you like a ride?" Wulf was beyond excited when I offered him the ride. I helped him on the horse but stopped as I saw Will Scarlet approaching us again. "It sounds like you changed that monster...a little bit. Were you really sorry about my background?" I stared at him for a while, I should have known he would have listen to our dialogue. Maybe I was glad he did.

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