Chapter 22

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Riley's leg wouldn't stop bouncing as she sat in the crowded room. It was time for testing, and every time a name was called, it caused her heart to race. Tris was next to her, equally as nervous. This test would determine if they lived or died. If the leaders found out she was Divergent, they would kill her. At the same time, if she failed, she would be Factionless. "I need to talk to you about something afterward," Tris whispered to her. "It's important."

She glanced at her, "what?"

"Four showed me something this morning," Riley could barely hear her. "About Erudite."

"Riley Eaton," a woman called out. Riley stared at Tris, not sure what the conversation could possibly be about. There wasn't time to question her. They had already called her name.

"Good luck."

Riley stood up and slowly walked over to the woman. It took her a moment, but she recognized her. It was the woman who initiated her test. Her name was Tori. "Tori?"

The dark-haired woman glanced up and sighed. She recognized her. "Oh, gosh." Riley stepped inside the door, and Tori closed it behind them. Riley wanted to ask her so many questions, but she froze as Tori opened the next door. There was a singular orange chair with at least a hundred people in the room. Eric wasn't lying when he said they watch. Everyone was watching.

Riley stepped further into the room and looked around. She saw Jeanine off to the side, and a few feet away was Eric. He was speaking with Max, but his eyes were on her. There was a moment where Riley was unsure of what to do. Eric seemed ready to walk over but never had the chance. Four beat him to it. "Riley," he took in her frightened state. "Breathe. You'll do fine." They began walking towards the chair. "They can see your hallucinations on the screen." She nodded, "get past your fears the way a Dauntless would, but do it fast."

"I know," Riley rubbed her hands together. It was clear to anyone watching she was nervous. "Thank you, Four."

"Good luck," he smiled sadly. He walked away, and she stepped onto the platform that held the chair. Taking a seat, she noticed the giant screen that would show her hallucinations.

Riley looked forward again and tried to relax in the chair. But Eric was standing directly in front of her, his arms folded. Tori brushed a piece of her hair back and held the needle tightly. "Tori-"

"Good luck," she whispered. The needle went into her neck, and Riley flinched. "I do hope you make it." When she moved away, her eyes went back to Eric. She blinked once, then twice before letting her head fall back.

Pressing her eyelids together to allow a minute of composure, she reopened them. However, the room was different. It was a room she had been in before. Sitting up on the metal table, she inspected the room. The floor around her erupted in flames, and she quickly got to her feet.

Fear number one, fire. The last time Riley marched straight through the flames, it couldn't harm her. But she needed to think like a Dauntless. Glancing at the ceiling, she noticed a sprinkler system. Slipping off her shoe, she went to the edge of the table. Standing on her toes, she used her shoe to hit the sprinkler. The first time she missed, but not the second time. The moment the shoe hit the sprinkler, water began pouring down. Riley's hair grew damp, but the flames vanished. Hopping down from the table, she hurried to the door. Pushing it open, she walked inside but was met with a wooden wall. Riley attempted to move back, but she was closed in. Riley tried to slam her hands on the wood, but it wasn't budging.

Fear number two, suffocation. She tried to think of a Dauntless way to get out, and Riley glanced down at her legs. Raising her right leg, the one still wearing a boot. She wedged it against the splintering wood and pushed with all her strength. Taking a second to recatch her breath, she did it again. 

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