Chapter 43

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"Are you sure this is the right thing to do," Riley asked as she stared at the people below. "Leaving is the only choice?"

Tobias was behind her, "we can't stay here. Not after what's happened." He was referring to the endless amount of executions that were taking place. "This is not who we are or what we stand for."

Riley agreed with that, "are you sure this plan will work?"

"Yes," he was sure. "We'll take the train to the wall. Get over the top with grappling hooks, and then start our journey towards whatever is out there." A journey beyond the wall sounded frightening, and the plan was not well thought out. Especially since Caleb was going.

"What if nothings out there?" There was a silence on his end. "What then?"

"Then we know," he sighed. "But staying here is no longer an option. Evelyn is out of control. It isn't worth the risk." Riley knew this wasn't Tobias talking. This was Tris. She wanted to go beyond the wall more than anyone. "We leave in the morning before dawn. Make sure you're on the third train car before daybreak."

"You're breaking Caleb out," she muttered. "Is that safe?"

"Probably not."

That caused her to smile. If they were leaving the city, there was a chance that they could never return. "Eric and Peter are coming with."

Tobias stared at her, almost unsure if she was serious. However, her expression told him she was. "Absolutely not."

"If you're bringing Caleb, then they're coming."

He crossed his arms, "we can't trust either of them."

"I do," Riley trusted them. "I trust them. Both of them." She knew her brother had his doubts about them. "Trust me."

"You know I do," he muttered. "Fine. I'll let Tris know, but we leave with or without them."

Riley turns back to him, "what about Maddie?"

"Maddie?" He thought for a moment. "Oh-"

"I can't leave her. Not here with Evelyn."

There was a silence as he thought carefully. "Johanna. I'll ask her to watch over her for you."

Riley smiled at her brother, "thank you."


Riley waited against the wall. Peter willingly agreed to join them, happy to be involved. He had a smug look on his face as if he was right about Tobias planning something. Which he was. All she had to do now was get ahold of Eric, which was incredibly difficult. He was always around Evelyn. Riley couldn't understand how the relationship between the two started or why it was so strong. That didn't matter right now. She needed him.

Her eyes caught sight of the former Dauntless leader. He was standing beside Edgar uncomfortably. Approaching him wasn't an option. It would draw too much attention, and that was the last thing they needed. Grabbing a piece of broken glass, she used the light from outside to create a reflection. Riley twisted her hand causing the light to catch Eric right in the eye. He winced, raising a hand to block the light. It took him only seconds to find the source. Riley pointed to the halls beside him, planning to meet him there. Eric squinted at her confused but nodded. She dropped the glass and started walking down a separate corridor. It would lead to the one Eric was currently walking down.

Turning the corner, the red-haired girl noticed the man. For a moment, as he approaches, she feels as if she is back in Dauntless. Back when she was still the scared girl from Abnegation, and he was the ruthless leader. Back when things felt simpler. Riley hated that she missed those days. Her feelings were far less complicated, and her world felt a little more whole. "What," his voice is harsh, but his features aren't. For a moment, she stares at him, almost unsure of the plan. Riley still feels as if she's back in Dauntless, but Eric looks different now. He no longer has an eyebrow piercing, and the black clothing was gone, traded in for a muddy green and Erudite blue. Along with his hair, which was growing out on the sides. "Riley?"

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