Chapter 3

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The ceremony had come to a close, and everyone was leaving. Riley was still debating her actions and processing the choice she had just made. She had chosen to be Dauntless, and she was just now realizing what that meant. Riley didn't regret picking Dauntless, she was happy with her choice. What she was worried about the repercussions of leaving her faction. Riley walked with the other Dauntless towards the exit and couldn't find it in her look back at her father. She didn't owe him anything and wanted to show him that.

There was the other girl she had met from Abnegation, Beatrice. The two stood by one another as they followed the others outside. They didn't talk much during the ceremony, only a small introduction. It was a comfort to Riley knowing that someone else was going through exactly what she was.

Once they were outside everyone began running. Riley hadn't run in a long time but managed to keep up. She held the ends of her dress in her hand as her feet pounded on the concrete. There was a broad smile evident on her face as she followed the Dauntless through the city. Several Dauntless born were screaming and jumping around as they ran. The people in front began climbing the railing that the train passed on and others followed. Riley felt her heart drop momentarily in her chest but pushed her nerves away. Since she was at the back of the group, she watched everyone in front of her climb. 

When Riley got to the metal beam, she hesitantly wrapped around her hands around a ledge. She looked over her shoulder and watched as a few others climbed the rafters without a problem. Taking a deep breath, she began attempting to climb the pole. It was much easier said than done, but Riley was able to get her footing. Once she was in the air, it became easier and she was able to get to the top in seconds. Her hands touched the flat surface above, and she hoisted herself up onto the platform. The other Dauntless were all standing around laughing while Riley stood off to the side. She noticed Beatrice the other Abnegation girl climb up onto the platform and smiled at her. Riley felt relieved when she smiled back. Behind Beatrice, she saw the train flying around the corner. She stepped back onto the yellow beam and off the track. Then she noticed that the other Dauntless were beginning to run as the train flew past them. Riley swiftly began running behind them.

Ahead of her people were jumping onto the train and opening the doors to get on. Riley glanced next to her as the train flew past her and found herself hesitating. She knew she had to get on the train and before she could overthink it, Riley went for it. She grabbed onto the metal hanger and jumped into the train. Once she was inside Riley felt calmer than she did before. She walked towards the back of the train, barley missing a Dauntless boy as he jumped in and sat down next to another girl. 

Riley lowered herself to the floor just as Beatrice jumped inside nearly hitting her and another girl in a Cador jacket. "Sorry," Beatrice spoke to them.

"At least you made it," the girl smiled. "I'm Christina."


The girl looked at Riley for her to introduce herself, "Riley."

"I mean, is it just me," she began leaning onto the train, "or are they trying to kill us?"

"I think they are trying to kill us," Riley laughed, running a hand through her hair as she looked at the other Dauntless. There were a few others she noticed that were wearing other factions clothing. 

"Come on," Christina said nodding for them to stand up. Riley sighed but followed her lead and pushed herself off the ground. Beatrice did the same standing beside them. 

The train ride to Dauntless wasn't a long one, and the three stood together for the entire trip. There wasn't much to talk about, and Riley was more occupied with her thoughts. She was thinking about her father and how angry he probably was at this very moment. About ten minutes into the train ride her thoughts were interrupted, "get ready."

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