Chapter 28

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"Peace. Long ago, before the Founders established our city, that word was meaningless—an ideal as intangible as a dream. But 200 years later, we are existing evidence that peace is attainable. We have our Faction System to thank for that. Dividing people according to personality and aptitude. We created a faction system where each member plays a key role in maintaining social order. However, this harmony we have is now under attack from a small but incredibly dangerous group of individuals. We call them Divergents. They are truly the worst of what humanity once was. They are rebellious and defiant. But most importantly, they are uncontrollable. Five days ago, a group of these Divergents posing as Dauntless brutally penetrated Abnegation. It is a blatant attempt to cripple the Faction System by attacking its most defenseless members. These Divegernts hate our system because they can not conform to it. They are incapable of it. The latest rumors that I was behind the attacks on Abnegation is nothing more than Divergent propaganda. I am devoting myself to bringing these Divegernts to justice. I have applied my right as acting council leader to declare martial law. This will be until all threats to our security have been eliminated. We are all that's left of humanity. The wall that entraps us may protect this city from toxic surroundings, but it is up to us to stop anything that could poison us from within. When you are civilization's last hope, peace is not nearly an ideal. It is an obligation. It is up to us to stand against our one true enemy, Divergents."

Riley couldn't stop thinking about the program Jeanine had put out this morning. She was blaming the entire event on them. She was responsible for all those deaths, not Divergents. Riley was furious with Eric as well. Deep down, she hoped he would come for them, for her. He didn't. Eric was still working with Jeanine. "What did the blonde woman mean about Divergents," Maddie asked as they walked towards the dome. It was lunchtime, and the children were all running towards the building. But Maddie always walked with her.

"She thinks they're dangerous," Riley held her hand. "But she's wrong."

Maddie glanced up at her, "is she a bad guy? I read about bad guys in the library."

"She's not a good person," she explained. "But bad guys only exist in books."

Maddie didn't seem to believe her, "is that why you're here?"

"I'm here because," Riley tried to think of something. "Because some not-so-good guys are in charge, and they think that people who are different aren't good. But being different is good."

"What happens if they come here," the girl seemed to be full of questions. "What happens then?"

"Maddie," Riley stopped walking. She kneeled in the dirt right outside the dome, her beige pants collecting dirt. "If you see these people. Promise me you'll hide. They can not find you. Okay?"

"Okay, Miss Riley," Maddie nodded. "I hide from the bad guys."

Riley chuckled, tapping her nose. "Good. Now let's get some food." They wandered into the dome hand in hand. Nearly everyone was already eating, meaning the line wasn't overly long. However, she caught sight of her brother, Caleb, Peter, and Tris talking. Riley had to take a double-take seeing Tris. Her long hair was now gone, replaced with an entirely different style. It was short but pretty. The style looked good on her. "Maddie. I need to speak with my brother real quick, okay? Will you grab me a tray and save me a seat?"

"I can do that, Miss Riley," Maddie clapped her hands together.

"Thank you." She let go of the young girl's hand and quickly made her way over towards her friends. None of them had spoken since the podcast went out.

"You didn't tell Caleb," Peter spoke slightly amused. "Jeanine is saying that the attack on Abnegation was orchestrated by a group of rogue Divergents and their sympathizers."

"They're blaming this all on us," Caleb was shocked.

"Yep," Riley cut in. "Tell me that isn't the most Jeanine thing?"

Tobias glanced at his sister. "Well, she needed a reason to petition the council to institute martial law." They all walked together towards a table. "She has one now." A few girls her age walked by, eyeing the boys around her. Riley smiled, but Tris seemed annoyed. The girl was not happy at Amity. "Staying here at Amity is our best option. We need to keep an ear to the ground and figure out where the rest of the Dauntless are." Since they left, Riley hadn't heard anything about the others. She hoped that Christina was with them, alive. The girl missed her friends dearly. "Then we can make a move."

"We need to kill Jeanine," Tris spoke dully.

Riley didn't argue with her. It wasn't a bad idea. "I know, but we are not ready yet."

With that, Tobias walked away, leaving Riley standing with the others. "Hey," Peter pointed behind her. "Your shadow is waiting for you."

"What?" Riley turned around to see what he was talking about. A few feet away, Maddie stood with two plates of food. But she kept her distance, clearly nervous about the others around her. "Oh, thanks, Peter." The boy winked at her, and she laughed. Walking towards the girl, she took the plate of food. "Thank you, my dear."

"Of course, Miss Riley," Maddie beamed guiding her towards their seats. "I save you the special seat."

"I see that." Riley took a bite of her carrots and watched as Maddie began eating.

The young girl leaned into her side. "Mrs. Peters says you should come over tonight."

"Tonight," Riley pretended to think. "I think that sounds wonderful."

"We can look at the stars," Maddie cut into her food. "There's a spot over the hill. You can see all of them."

"That sounds amazing."

Suddenly, there was a loud noise behind them. They turned at the same time and noticed a fight breaking out. Tris had jumped from her seat and flipped the table, pinning Peter to the ground. Tobias reacted quickly, dragging her off of him. "What do you think you're doing," Johanna yelled at them. "My office. Now."

"Oh no," Riley whispered as Tris ripped her hands away from Tobias. The biggest rule Johanna had was no fighting. There could be no violence. Not only was that rule broken, but it was done in a very public setting. Tobias searched for his sister, and upon finding her, nodded to follow them inside. "I have to go, Maddie."

"I'll come with you," Maddie set her fork down. Ready to hop off the chair and follow her inside.

"No, Maddie. I have to go." Riley gently pushed a piece of hair out of her face. "My friends are in trouble. I have to get them out of it."

"Like a time out?"

She chuckled, "exactly like a time out."

"Oh," Maddie shook her head. "I don't like those."

"Neither do I," Riley said. "But I will be right back, okay?"

"Okay," Maddie rubbed her mouth with her arm. Riley smiled at her and pushed up from the chair. Silently, she trailed after her friends towards Johanna's office.

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