Chapter 1

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Today was the day that would change everything for Riley Eaton, she was taking the test. The test that would tell her what faction she belonged in and where she needed to be. She was afraid it would tell her she wasn't Abnegation, but she also scared it would tell her she was. Riley felt she couldn't win in the situation because either choice had pros and cons. She wanted to leave, but she didn't know if she would be able to. Her father had rumors about him being abusive because of her brother leaving. Riley had no idea where they had started, but they were spreading. If she left now it would be obvious that they were true, even more so if she scored Abnegation and left. Although they were true, the others couldn't know. Riley stood in her house and began putting her hair into a tight bun. Everyone in Abnegation wore the same attire. The same light grey color. Riley hated it. She felt out of all the factions they had the most borning attire, but there was nothing she could do about it. On her list of problems, what she wore every day was at the bottom.

Opening the door, she stepped outside into the warm air and sighed contently. Her feet began carrying her towards the facility that the test was going to be carried out in. Riley let her hands swing by her side as she watched other Abnegation help one another out. People would stop on the gravel sidewalks and without thinking offer their assistance to anyone who seemed to be struggling. Riley wondered if it came naturally to the other Abnegation, or if they felt obligated to help. Sometimes Riley would help others without thinking about it, but today her mind was filled with other thoughts. Those thoughts were about her future, an undetermined future. That future was set in stone once she picked what faction she joined because she couldn't change her mind. If she backed out, she would become factionless.

As she turned a corner and made her way into the city, Riley noticed a bunch of people waiting in line outside of the building. The different colored outfits in their own lines showing where each faction was. She kept her head down like she always did in crowded places and walked towards the group of other Abnegation. Everyone in line was chatting away with there friends and laughing without a care. Riley never had many close friends in Abnegation. She knew a few people from her father's role as a leader, but that was mainly it. He never let her have friends over as a child, and Riley wasn't the most outgoing person. She stayed close to her brother because of her home life, and when he left, she struggled to make close connections. Of course, that didn't mean she was completely friendless, Riley had a few close friends in her life. They didn't last as she got older, and she learned to live with that.

Shaking her head, she looked around at the other factions, that's when she heard the shouts. Swiftly turning around, Riley noticed the train turning the corner. What caught her attention was the Dauntless jumping out of it. They laughed as they did, some landing on their feet while others rolled onto the green grass. The impact didn't stop any of them as they ran towards the building, laughing and chatting away. The Dauntless had always captivated her, even when she was a child. The way they lived on the edge and didn't fear anything in life amazed her. She wanted to be as happy as they always seemed, even if it was false. Dauntless were the police of the city, and they were often seen roaming the city in groups, scaling the buildings and jumping from ledge to ledge. Riley used to look for Tobias amongst them, but he was never was with them. "You may now enter," a voice over the intercoms said. She wasn't expecting a voice and jumped at the sound. The doors at the front of each faction were pushed open, and everyone began to herd inside, mostly excited to get the scores of their test back.

Riley, however was extremely nervous, this was going to be the defining factor in her decision. She folded her arms over her chest as she walked inside the building a small gust of wind hitting her. There was a decently long white hallway ahead of her, and at the end seemed to be a room. Riley looked onward, her heart thumping in her chest with each passing step. Finally, she stepped into the room and followed the man in front of her. She had no idea where she was going, but he seemed to be following the others. It was a smaller room than she expected, and Riley walked down the stairs towards the open seats at the bottom. He took a spot next to another Abnegation girl, and Riley sat next to him. Other factions piled in sitting with there groups. Eveyone was still chatting , but it was much quiter than before.

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