Chapter 24

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Riley marched alongside the other Dauntless towards Abnegation. Tobias was next to her, and he glanced at his sister quickly. She stayed by his side and kept her eyes forward. It was unclear who was watching them, but with her luck, Eric would be. The two always seemed to find each other, and that wasn't something any of them wanted right now.

Abnegation children ran down the street while Dauntless soldiers began raiding homes. It was a horrible sight, and it was more painful knowing that the others were not in control of their actions. Screams began to fill the air as many Abnegation members realized what was going on. "We need to find my parents."

In front of them was Tori. She was with another Dauntless soldier. An Abnegation man began to argue with them. Tori never hesitated in pulling the trigger. Riley visibly flinched and gripped the gun tighter in her hand. "We need to keep moving. Where is your house?"

"Up on the right." Riley let Tris lead them and refused to let her eyes fall on the dead man. The entire situation terrified her. Tobias kept his eye out for anyone who might discover them, but everyone was under the simulation. They barely paid attention to them.

Tris walked up towards a house. A clear indication that it was hers. The three walked inside. Tobias kept his gun upright. In case anyone was inside. Once the door closed, Tris spoke. "Mom? Dad?"

The house appeared to be empty. Tris ran up the stairs, and Riley searched the bottom floor. Nobody was there. Tobias glanced out the window, making sure nobody was entering. "Where would they have gone," he asked as Tris jogged back down the stairs.

"I don't know."

There was a pause. "We need to keep moving." Riley agreed and followed Tobias to the door. He opened it, sticking his head out to check the area. He nodded for them to follow. The three departed down the steps and back into the line of Dauntless marching. Riley looked straight ahead but caught sight of Eric and Max. Tobias glanced back at them, clearly nervous about the two leaders.

Riley was behind Tris and let her eyes fall to the back of her head. That method had worked for her last time. Eric put his hand on Tobias's chest, stopping him. Tris and Riley walked past but stopped a few feet away. The smart option would be to continue, but leaving Tobias alone with Eric was a dangerous idea. "The legendary Four," Eric taunted him. "Now a mindless drone." Neither Eric nor Max noticed the two girls. "You were first in your class, and now you're nothing." Riley glared at Eric.

The man went to step away, but Tobias clenched his jaw. Riley bit her lip as Eric turned back to him. He had noticed as well and stepped back in front of him. "What?" Max wasn't what Eric was doing. "Think he might be-" he didn't finish.

"One way to find out." Eric lifted the gun and pointed it at his head. Riley tensed, moving her finger over the trigger. She was on high alert. "Say goodbye, asshole."

Tris moved first, pointing her gun at Eric. "Goodbye." Riley reacted next, pointing her weapon at Max before he could point it at Tris.

Tobias moved and pointed the gun at Max, "move and you die."

Eric laughed as he looked at the two girls behind him. Riley stared down the barrel of Max's gun. "The Stiffs?" He looked back at Tobias. "We have three Stiffs." He shoved the barrel against his skull. "Three dead Stiffs."

Riley gripped her gun tightly, knowing that Max had no clear shot at Tris. Only her. "We can't have a single Divergent slip through." Eric glanced to his left at the girl with the red hair. "This is what happens."

"She won't shoot me," Eric was confident.

Tris stared at him, her stance solid. "I think you might be overestimating my character."

Eric spun around quickly, grabbing Tris's gun. He pushed it down, but she pulled the trigger. The bullet hit Eric in the leg. Tobias hit Max in the face, but Riley pulled the trigger. The bullet went into the man's shoulder, sending him to the ground.

"Run!" Riley turned on her heel and ran as if her life depended on it. A few Dauntless soldiers came into view. She barely had time to think as she pulled the trigger again. The bullet hit the man in the chest, killing him. Tobias shot the other three. Tris let out a gasp as they turned the corner. "You're hit?"

"Yeah," Tris panted.

Riley noticed the blood already coating her jacket where the bullet entered her. "Don't move." Soldiers surrounded them. "Drop your weapons." There was only one option. They had to lower their guns. Too many soldiers were around them. Riley let the gun fall to the ground, as did the others. A man marched towards her, violently grabbing her hands. She gasped as he cuffed her hands together.

Once all three of them were secured, they were escorted down the street. Riley was in the front and unable to see her two friends. She tried to hide her fear, but it was hard. They were completely helpless. The men held her tightly, and Riley knew there would be bruises. The only issue she had was that she didn't know if they would form. There was a good chance Riley would die before that happened.

As they approached a building, she noticed Eric. He was on a staircase as a woman tended to the wound on his leg. He saw Riley and the concern on her face for his injury. Even after the incident, she was still worried about him.

Riley was shoved into the building. Eric could no longer see her, and the others followed. Jeanine Matthews stood in front of them. She was partly surprised to see the three, mostly Tris. "Tobias and Riley Eaton," she began. "Beatrice. I thought it was intellect I was sensing in you."

Tobias spoke, "maybe you're not as smart as you think you are."

"Why are you attacking innocent people?"

Riley watched Jeanine closely. "Innocent people?" Jeanine tilted her head, "Abnegation if left unchecked, will destroy the faction system." It was clear she believed her own words. "Same about the three of you." Riley scoffed, "someone has to stop you. Peace will be lost if we don't."

"It's already lost. You destroyed it."

"Human nature destroyed it."

"You're insane," Riley harshly spoke.

Jeanine smiled at her. "Those of us with the vision to see that are called upon to protect the rest." All eyes were on her. "We will restore peace. It will last this time."

"What if you're wrong," Tris asked her.

Jeanine ignored her and stepped closer. She inspected Riley and then Tobias. "Bring them with us." Her attention went to Tris. The blonde woman pushed down on her wound. Tris grunted in pain. "She's injured. Any results would be unclear." Riley stared at Jeanine. "Get rid of her."

"What," Riley whispered. Tobias freed his arm and elbowed a man in the face. He dashed forward and grabbed Jeanine by the sleeve. The other Dauntless in the room yanked him away and began beating him. "Stop it! Four!" The red-haired girl struggled against the men holding her, and they dragged her out first. There was nothing she could do but struggle. Once outside, all eyes that were not under simulation stared. The noise the three made was loud. Riley was being dragged towards a car, along with Tobias. But not Tris. They were going to kill her. "Let go of me!"

"Just shut up," the man beside her snapped. A woman, the one that was helping Eric, opened the car door. Riley struggled for a minute, but they shoved her inside. Tobias was thrown in directly after her, and the door slammed closed.

The older Eaton sat himself up, and Riley did the same. They were in the back of a silver SUV, and a man got in the driver's seat. In the passenger seat was none other than Eric. Riley looked away from him and at Tobias. The car took off, and a silence fell between everyone. Eric remained uncharacteristically quiet, but that didn't bother the siblings.

Eric's eyes stared through the rearview mirror. He watched as Tobias slowly reached over and took her hand. Both stared at the ground, but Riley moved her hand to hold his. They had no idea what would happen to them, but at least they were together. If Riley were to die, she was glad Tobias was by her side. Without thinking, she leaned her head on his shoulder. A single tear ran down her cheek at the thought of dying. Eric looked away at the sight, his eyes going out the window as they headed back to Dauntless.

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