Chapter 29

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"Was I not clear in the terms of your sanctuary here included nonviolence?"

The group sat around in chairs, other than Tobias. He stood in front of them. "I can promise you nothing like this will ever happen again."

Johanna stepped away from the window. "Be that as it may, you can no longer stay here with us." Riley felt her heart drop in her chest. "Your presence is too disruptive."

Riley couldn't act as if this wasn't the best option for Amity. The group of five stood against their beliefs and broke their rules. "The truth is our sanctuary here was never going to last very long here." Riley glanced at her friend, "right? With you not standing up against Jeanine."

Johanna scoffed, shaking her head. "You don't understand us at all."

"No, I do," Tris argued. "I understand that you believe you can stay out of this. You can't. One day she will show up here, and Jeanine will take whatever power you think you have."

"Tris," Tobias waved his hand. "Tris." The short-haired girl took a deep breath, clearly annoyed. "Johanna, we really need a little more time." Johanna looked to Riley. "We need to figure out where the rest of the Dauntless are. Then we can leave."

"Then what? Attack Erudite? I will not be a party to violence."

Tobias stepped closer, "and we aren't asking you to. We just need a few more days."

Johanna hesitated, taking in the group. "One."

"One what?"

She was looking directly at Tris. "One more chance." Riley let out a breath, happy to be able to stay a little longer. "To be Amity is to forgive. Both others and yourself. You are hurting Tris." Johanna approached her. "My heart goes out to you. "I know what it's like to stand there helplessly while you lose the ones you love." Riley noticed the tears fall down Tris's cheeks. "But killing Jeanine won't bring back your parents. I know you are angry, but you are letting it consume you." The sound of footsteps running up the stairs caught all of their attention. "What is it?"

Riley picked up on a distant sound of a vehicle. The others seemed to as well. They all rushed to the windows in time to see several armed cars breaking down the fences and driving over the crops. It had to be Jeanine. "Oh no."

Tobias walked away from the window, and Riley followed after him. Approaching the ledge, they saw the vehicles drive by through the entryway. There were several of them. "Stay here," Johanna demanded. "Stay quiet." She followed Seth down the stairs to approach the Dauntless that were entering. Tobias pushed Riley to the ground, and the others followed. Peter slowly crawled away from the window, not wanting to be seen.

"Did they find us," Caleb asked in fear. "Are we getting arrested?"

Peter rolled his eyes, "no. Shut up."

Riley's heart hammered in her chest, her fingers getting clammy. "All Amity report to the dome for new mandatory testing," the PA system blasted. Tobias stood up, jogging across the floor towards the other side to look out the window. He wanted a better view of what they were up against. She carefully watched her brother as he inspected the area.

After a moment, he pushed away and nervously walked back towards them. "Eric's here," he stated. His eyes were on his sister for her reaction. Tris glanced in her direction as well. "We need to move."

Riley swore her heart was going to explode. Eric was here. The last time they spoke, he had pleaded with her that if he found her, not to let him catch her. "Okay." The red-haired girl was the first to move, walking by her brother.

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