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Peace. That was something Riley never expected to find, but she had.

The sun creeps over the hills of what used to be Amity, creating a soft golden glow. It was warm for this time of year. Most of the buildings had started to fall apart. The Faction system had fallen years ago, and now traces of it are following. The world was a different place now. Years had trickled by, but they were good years—some of the best.

Johanna had shaped the city into something beautiful. Tobias works for her now, which came as a surprise to Riley. However, it was a fitting place for him. It made him happy.

They saw each other on occasion. He would stop by every few weeks and the two would catch up. Christina would always come with him. It was nice to see them. They had grown over the years.

Nearly four years ago, Johanna allowed Evelyn to return. She was no longer a threat. They spent a lot of time together. Evelyn stayed with her while she searched for a place of her own. Now, she lived in the city by Tobias. Evelyn would visit her multiple times a week. Their relationship had become everything they both wanted.

Everything seemed to work out for the others as well. Caleb worked in the laboratories now. She heard he does good work there. Matthew eventually moved to the city. He does research at a physiatric building. Riley hadn't seen him in years. Christina works at an office that helps people coming and going from the Bureau and Fringe. Romit became a police officer.

Peter left. He went to another city and works at some office. Riley never heard updates about him, but he got his wish. He forgot everything and became someone new. Marcus vanished as well, but Riley didn't care. She hadn't thought about him in years.

There wasn't much standing in Amity, but there were a few things. Deep in the meadow, off a dirt path, stands a single house. It's green in color and stands out against the tall wheat that surrounds it. The front door is a messy red color. It's painted in two different reds. It has a porch with a hammock—several flower pots and chalk on the wood. There's a doormat that's faded, but it says welcome.

Bushes and flowers line the sidewalk. It looks as if it came straight out of a storybook. The inside is nicer. It's full of life. Growing up, her Abnegation home was boring. There was no life. Riley didn't want that. This home was full of different things like pieces of art and books.

Living in what used to be Amity gave her peace of mind. Riley was happy to find it. She found it the moment she stepped on that train six years ago.

Riley hardly ventured into the city. Christina called her a hermit, and there was some truth to her words. She enjoyed the quiet country life. It brought her joy. Of course, she wasn't alone there. Riley hadn't been alone in a long time.

She built a garden in the backyard, just past the stables that hold the horses, chickens, and pigs. It's on top of the hill just before the woods start. It grows most of their food. Riley spends her days outside caring for the animals and plant life.

It's peaceful. Nobody ever bothers them. That was how they liked it.

It's nearly noon when a car stops in front of the house. A person gets out in brown boots. His feet sink into the damp soil. They walk nervously up the stone path—eyes scanning the drawing on the wooden steps.

Stopping at the door, they knock twice. There's rustling on the other side, and then the door flies open. There's a boy there. He has dusty brown hair and blue eyes. "Hi," he has crayons in his right hand and a smudge of chocolate on his cheek. "You're not grandma."

Eric stares at this young boy. For a moment, he thinks he has the wrong house. But Tobias told him that Riley was the only person living in Amity. It was the only house left standing.

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