[08 amy's insecurities]

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[08] eighth chapter
episode nine, season 5
word count 1869
> In which Summer
helps console her
friend as she goes
through a rough patch

Summer, Yewande, Anna, Amber, Michael, Danny and Curtis were all sat on the daybed in conversation when Amy walked over. The blonde took a seat on the edge of the bed, not failing to send a glance back over to whoever she had just talked to in the kitchen, before speaking.

"So, I went over to Lucie and said, 'We'll have a girls' chat later because we never see you anymore because you're with your bloody boyfriend,' and I basically got told to fuck off," she told them, scoffing at the last part.

With wide eyes, Amber whispered, "What did they say?"

Amy made a pouting face as she showed what Lucie did, "She went..." making a shocked and insulted face, "And Joe went, 'Fuck off' and erm, 'No she's not, you're always with Curtis.'"

"What the fuck," Summer breathed out, clearly in shock as to why Joe would have told Amy to 'Fuck off'.

"Did she really get funny with you?" Amber asked, sharing a disgusted impression with Summer before they turned back to Amy.

Responding, Amy told the pair, "She went, 'Oh no I'm not'. And he went 'Fuck off Amy, you're always with Curtis'. I went 'No I'm not'."

"You're actually not, though, you're actually not," Amber responded, glancing back up at Joe in the kitchen.

"Exactly," Summer added, "Most of the time, you're with us, that's why it was good you were in the hideaway with Curtis, 'cause you spend hardly any time alone with him."

"That's what I'm saying," Amber nodded along with her, still confused as to why Lucie got iffy with Amy, "Cos you go out for chats and that but not all the time, you're with the girls most the time."

After a moment of silence, Amber looked back to the kitchen with her brows furrowed, "That's weird."

"Super weird," Summer added, looking in the same direction Amber was.

"You know what?" Amy proclaimed, taking a deep breath, "I'm just gonna let it go. I'm gonna do an Elsa - I'm gonna 'let it go'. Maybe I'm a bit old for stuff like this, I'm quite cynical but there we go."

"Yeah, it'll pass, we all have to live together and I'm sure she'll be okay by morning," Summer sighed before turning back to the conversation with the others.

Summer sighed, clearly conflicted with what to do as she spoke, "I do get where Amy is coming from, and it was a dick move for Joe to tell her to fuck off, but at the end of the day, if Lucie is here for love and she is happy in her couple, I don't think Amy should get pissy for her spending time with Joe."


In the dressing rooms, Molly, Summer and AMber were getting ready for bed when Amy entered in a fluster.

"You alright, Ames?" Summer asked, noticing that the blonde was close to tears.

Looking down the hallway, she asked tentatively, "Where's Curtis gone?"

"He's in there. He's brushing his teeth, what's wrong?" Amber answered her before the three girls walked over to Amy, concern clear on their faces.

"Should we go on the terrace?" Molly asked, just as Lucie walked in.

Amy nodded, walking out and letting the three girls follow her into the warm heat of the evening.

"I knew something was wrong the minute you came up," Molly told the girl as they were taking their seats.

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