#4 - Rejecting Rejection

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"I believe I don't need to introduce myself," The King calmly speaks. His eyebrow slowly raises, tilting his head whilst eyeing me. "But I believe you do. Because you don't look like the Queen of Seoul to me."

If only he knew.

With a sword sat next to his throne, a silver crown topped with jewels and black and red clothing, he becomes more intimidating by the second. He wears traditional royal clothes fit for a King, however his young self makes him pull off the look like no other.

And not to mention, he's pretty damn good looking. Which is kinda distracting considering what he's known for.

"I am Choi Kyungmi, protector to the Queen of Seoul. I have come on her behalf to discuss and settle the deal you proposed weeks ago." Clearing my throat, I tilt my chin up.

"Weeks ago." He mumbles. "And you're here now? Did your messenger boy take a couple weeks off?"

The man stood next to the throne slowly begins to smirk, folding his arms across his chest. He too has a sword strapped to his side like I do, and judging by where he's chosen to stand - right next to the King - he must be his protector.

"No, our 'messenger boy' delivered your message pretty well, your majesty. And as soon as we got it we didn't hesitate to ignore it." I simply reply with my hands behind my back.

The King's jaw tightens. He doesn't take his eyes off glaring deep into mine.

"You dare speak in that manner to the King?" His protector hisses, cocking his head to the side and stepping forwards.

However he stops with one wave of the King's hand, telling him to calm down.

"You're a brave little protector aren't you, bubbly?" The King's gaze returns to mine and scoffs.

"It's Kyungmi, your majesty." I correct him.

"Whatever. Back to my deal." He merely swatts his hand. "All I want is to declare peace between our two kingdoms. Is that so hard to believe? That a King like me wants to settle the wars?"

"Yes." I blurt out without thinking.

Intrigued, he raises an eyebrow at my straight response.

"Yes, your majesty," I repeat. "Your history of 'declaring peace' has never ended well. All you have done is stir and cause trouble between our Kingdom and many others around South Korea. You cannot possibly think that we can trust your word."

"Oh, but you must." He smugly answers back. "Because bubbly-"

"Kyungmi, your majesty."

"-I so happen to be a very honourable man." He lays a hand on his chest. "I can assure you with my word, no harm will come to the Queen or your people in Seoul."

Narrowing my eyes, I settle my thoughts on the fact that he cannot be trusted. How he's trying to win me over right now is too suspicious. Everyone knows he has his way with words.

"Again, you can't seriously think I'm going to believe that," I clutch my hands together tighter around my back. "Your majesty."

"And again, you must." The King mimics my tone of voice. "Because if you don't, things can and will end badly."

"Things always end badly when you're involved. Which is why none of the other kingdoms want to join forces with you."

The King's jaw tilts to the side, his attention caught by my words.

"Therefore, on behalf of the Queen of Seoul we respectfully reject your deal. Our decision is final." Forcing a smile I bow to the King, and the guards with me follow my lead and bow too.

It seems that the King doesn't approve of our decision, as my words have made him actually stand up from his seat. I sense the guards straighten their backs, clenching their fists together.

The King steps towards us with his hands behind his back, stopping when standing right before me.

He tilts his head in amusement, aiming me catch a glimpse of his perfectly sharp jawline. The smirk forming on his lips makes my own lips part, however I clear my throat to snap myself back to reality.

"I'm afraid," he murmers, leaning his head down to my ear. "I'm going to have to reject your rejection."

Before I can even respond I hear the glide of a sword in the air from behind me, and one of the guards screams out in pain. I turn around in shock to see a Daegu guard pulling his sword out of my guard, dropping his dead to the ground.

The same thing happens with the other three Seoul guards. They're being killed right in front of me.

"No, stop!" I reach for my sword to my waist, but the firm grip of the King's hand on my wrist forcefully makes me stop.

He spins me around to face him, still holding onto my wrist. I try to free myself but his grip is strong, as he now holds onto my other arm with his other hand.

"Didn't I warn you things would end badly if you didn't do what I wanted?" He threatens.

"Then what are you waiting for? Kill me like you killed them." I glare right back.

"Look at you, begging to die. How pathetic. Since death is what you want, I respectfully reject your desire. And my decision is final." Ever so slightly, the King begins to smirk.

I scowl at how he's mimicking my words from earlier on, and it makes him smugly smile.

"Lock her up, Yoongi." He orders his protector known as 'Yoongi'.

With his head arched down as a bow, Yoongi walks over towards me. Forcefully he then presses a cloth onto my mouth, holding me with his other hand to stop me from escaping.

My eyes widen and I try not to breath in whatever's been added to the cloth, but my lungs begging for air give in, and I feel my eyes becoming heavier.

And the last thing I see before blacking out, is the amused look on the Daegu King's face.

Royalty Above All - Kim Taehyung ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now