#11 - A Trick

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~The next day~

Beomgyu kept by his word.

He came by at the same time he did yesterday with another tray of food, different to yesterday's. When he saw that I'd eaten all of the food a satisfied grin formed on his lips.

"See? I bet you feel a lot better after eating, don't you?"

"Yes, your highness. Thank you for the food." I nod as I do feel little better.

"No problem." He simply shrugs, replacing the old tray with a new one. "I figured I'd get you something else to eat so you don't become bored eating the same thing all the time."

We all need a Prince Beomgyu in our lives.

"I appreciate it, your highness."

"Please call me Beomgyu. Your highness is a mouthful to say." He laughs lightly, making his way towards the door.

"I appreciate it, Beomgyu." Nodding, I place my hands behind my back.

"See you Kyungmi!" Giving me a little wave he peeps his head out of the gap between the door, about to close and lock it.

I smile to myself and turn around to look at the food. I'm about to take some of it when a creak behind me catches my attention.

Spinning around, I notice something that makes me confused. The door is slowly opening, creaking at every movement.

Beomgyu forgot to lock the door, or even close it properly.

What the hell do I do now?

Temptation to run out the room and escape is edging closer in my mind. I slowly tip-toe over to the door, and gently pull it open enough to peep my head out the room.

The hallway is quiet. Beomgyu is nowhere to be seen. He really did forget.

However, my attention then goes to the ground. And when my eyes fix on what lays there I feel my heart drop a little.

Because I'm staring at blood.

It must've appeared recently because it can't have been there when Yoongi was here yesterday. He would've noticed and said something otherwise. Probably suspected me of causing it or something stupid like that.

Now I'm starting to question why Beomgyu didn't close the door. He isn't that stupid to leave the door open because he knows I'm a prisoner here, and he locked it perfectly fine yesterday.

Maybe he didn't forget: he was about to close and lock it. But he didn't have a chance to. Something or someone must've stopped him.

Meaning that Beomgyu's in trouble.


Pacing around the room, I struggle to even think straight. As if I wasn't hungry already my appetite has just dropped even more. It's been a few minutes since I discovered blood outside the door and I don't know what to do.

If I was to go out and try finding him, that would be the worst idea possible. But if I stay here and do nothing, the Prince of Daegu will remain missing and in trouble.

Taehyung's little brother will remain in danger without him even knowing.

I remember Jin saying to me a couple days ago about how much Beomgyu means to Taehyung. And if something like this were to happen to him...he'd lose it.

I could try and find Yoongi instead of going to the King. But I've tried desperately to see if there's any of them around, and they all seem to have disappeared.

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