#28 - Rae

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Yoongi caught up with the two of them after a while, discovering what had happened. He too began to panic, not knowing what to do when Taehyung desperately clung onto her body and yelled her name in hope that she'd awaken.

They got back onto their horses, Taehyung holding Kyungmi in his lap and still keeping the arrow inside, to hold the blood in.

And then they galloped away at a more faster pace, hoping to reach Incheon soon or merely someone who could help them, help Kyungmi to be precise.

Yoongi then hears something and turns his head around, immediately cursing under his breath and glancing at the King. "There are more coming, your majesty."

"What?" Taehyung's mouth shrivels up in disgust, as he also turns his head to be greeted with more of Yoonhee's men charging after them on horses.

"We need to get off the horses and hide." Yoongi hastily decides as they turn a corner. However he then turns another sharp corner and jumps off off the horse, landing on his feet.

Taehyung also stops once around the second corner, lifting Kyungmi in his arms and swinging his leg off one side of his horse, also leaping down to the ground.

"Come on." Yoongi leads the way, darting through the trees with Taehyung and Kyungmi behind them.

They hear the men turn the first corner but not the second, and they continue galloping away.

Taehyung breathes a sigh of relief and continues walking, strongly gripping Kyungmi in her arms. "We need to hurry, Yoongi. I don't think she's breathing and-"

The two of them stop in their tracks as the stumble across a woman. Her hood is covering her head and she lifts it off once she sees them.

"We don't want any trouble," Yoongi hastily says in a low voice. "But our friend is injured badly, and she may not make it if we don't help her."

"Yes, I can see that." The woman's face becomes curious as she studies Kyungmi's now pale face. "This way your majesty, hurry. Before more of them come." She then says whilst looking at Taehyung.

She turns and walks away, guiding them through the forest. Yoongi glances at Taehyung warily, but the King nods as a sign to follow her.

They reach a little cottage tucked away around the large trees and green spaces. The woman opens the door, indicating for the two of them to enter too.

"Sorry but, who are you again?" Yoongi questions as he walks in.

"Someone who is willing to help the girl. That's all you need to know." She instantly answers back, indicating to the King to lay her down on her table.


A day passes when she finally stirs. Her eyes flutter open, body weak and stiff as she tries to move it. Her confusion only grows as she finds herself not outside on the way to Incheon, as she remembers last.

She's in a room she does not recognise, on a bed that doesn't feel familiar by the touch. And Taehyung and Yoongi are nowhere to be seen.

She finds the strength to move, slowly sitting up and wincing at the wound on her back.

"Look who's finally awake." An unfamiliar voice then speaks, and Kyungmi turns her head to see a middle-aged woman sat by her side.

"Who are you? Where am I?" She speaks, her gaze travelling around the mysterious room.

"You're outside the city of Incheon." The woman speaks. "And my name is Rae."

Kyungmi blinks. "Okay Rae, where's the King of Daegu and his protector?"

Royalty Above All - Kim Taehyung ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now