#18 - A Helping Hand

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Piano notes is what draws me to the ball room later on.

I could've sworn I've never seen any sort of instrument in this palace before, but clearly I'm wrong as the sound gets stronger the closer I get to the room.

Hesitantly my footsteps walk towards one of the pillars, hiding my body behind it and peeking my head out to see what's going on.

The King stands in the centre of the hall, with one hand on his hip and the other pinching the bridge of his nose. His hair is swept back from his eyes as usual, as his forehead stands out which suits him.

Now my attention goes back to the music. On the side is a beautiful black and gold piano standing strong. And playing it, to my surprise, is Yoongi.

Didn't know he could play an instrument.

"Come on your majesty, do it again." Yoongi calls out over the notes he's playing. It sounds like a majestic ballad type of genre.

"This is stupid!" Taehyung scoffs, his annoyed voice echoing all around the hall. "Why do I have to take part this year? I never do!"

Sighing, Yoongi stops playing the piano and is surrounded by silence. He stands to his feet and walks over to his King.

"Exactly. And since it's our turn to host it this year you need to take part. It'll make you look bad, your majesty." He tries to reason with him.

"At this point breathing makes me looks bad." Taehyung lowly says, however loud enough for myself and Yoongi to hear.

Turning his back to Yoongi, I can sense Taehyung getting more annoyed by the second. Whatever Yoongi wants him to do, he really doesn't want to do it.

"Fine. But if I'm doing this I can't do it alone, now can I?" Taehyung then reluctantly forces himself to give in.

That makes Yoongi smile. "Of course not. Kyungmi can help you."

Sorry, what?

My mouth drops open as I continue to watch them from afar as Yoongi brings me into the King's issue.

"Kyungmi?" The King questions before letting out a laugh. "Oh please, she's the last person that would ever be willing to help me."

"Nonsense. She's been watching us from behind that pillar for the past 2 minutes." Yoongi casually replies, sharply turning his head into my direction.

Well crap.

Freezing in my spot, my eyes slowly widen as Taehyung spins around to lay eyes on me. He plays the same surprised reaction as myself, whereas Yoongi happily smiles.

"And she'd be happy to help, wouldn't you?" Yoongi continues speaking, clasping his hands behind his back and stepping forwards.

Shooting him a glare, I shuffle out from behind the pillar to properly face them. Taehyung narrows his eyes, tilting his head and watching my every movements.

"As much as I'd love to help, I can't. I have plans for the evening so I'll just get out of your way." Forcing a smile on my lips I bow and instantly turn my body away, beginning to speed walk out of the hall.

However a yelp leaves my lips as Yoongi grabs hold of my arm and drags me right back.

This bitch.

He let's go when I'm stood right in the centre of the ball room by Taehyung's side. Then he stands infront of the two of us with a satisfied look.

The King then places his chin onto the back of his curled up fingers, resting his elbow on his other arm. And he runs his eyes all over me whilst thinking to himself.

Royalty Above All - Kim Taehyung ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now