#22 - Eyes Of A Survivor

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Author's POV

Yoongi once again loses the King when the music starts. He saw and heard that conversation Taehyung and Yoonhee had, in order for Kyungmi to escape.

He did in fact tell Taehyung that Kyungmi was here as a servant. As soon as he did, Taehyung immediately went to find her.

And it's a good thing he did, or Yoonhee would've spotted and exposed Kyungmi.

Now the lights have dimmed, music playing on the side of the room and people in the centre of the hall spreading out for space to dance.

However he can't worry about the King now; he needs to find Kyungmi's friend, Namjoon.

As he's walking round and sliding past people in the way, Yoongi's arm bumps into another and they almost lose their balance.

A slight panic runs in him and he quickly lashes his hand out to grasp onto the person's arm, and he pulls them back up so they gain their balance.

It takes a split second to recognise who it is, and when he realises his eyes widen.

"My apologies, your highness." Yoongi bows towards the Princess of Seoul once he let's go of her arm. Ayeong shakes her hands towards Yoongi in reassurance.

"It's okay, no need to worry. You're the King's protector, yes?"

"Yes, your highness." Yoongi looks back up and faintly nods.

As Yoongi admires the girl stood in front of him, he finds himself staring for a bit too long.

He gazes at her pastel blue long dress with off-the-shoulder sleeves, hair pinned back into a plaited bun with a matching blue eye mask. Her jewellery also co-ordianates with the blue theme, adding to her elegance.

Definitely Kyungmi's sister, he thinks to himself.

"How are you finding the ball?" Yoongi then asks, gazing around at his surroundings.

"It's beautiful. Better than I thought it would be." Ayeong also admires it with a soft smile.

"I'm glad you think so. I spoke to your sister earlier and...she didn't seem too impressed."

"I know it seems that way, but deep down she does find it just as beautiful as I think of it." Ayeong let's out a chuckle.

Yoongi realises how the innoect girl stood in front of him calls a stranger her sister. That her actual sister is posing as a servant, and her fake one is posing as a Queen.

"Now, if you would excuse me." Ayeong smiles again and bows her head, and is about to turn away.

"Aren't you going to dance?" Yoongi quickly asks what he wanted to ask before she can leave. Ayeong turns back around to face him, her lips parting in curiosity of the protector.

"As a matter of fact, I am," Then she looks around in order to find someone, murmuring under her breath, "Where is Namjoon?"

Yoongi blinks at that name.

"Ah, there he is!" Ayeong says, walking over to the man they both want to see standing on the side. He's speaking to one of the other soldiers from a different Kingdom.

Yoongi moves fast, following behind the Princess and quickly gets to Namjoon before she does.

When he reaches Namjoon he places one hand on his shoulder, moving his mouth close to his ear whilst staring forwards.

"Don't ask any questions and come with me. Now."

Namjoon is taken aback by the man in front of him, staring at him in confusion.

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