#7 - Suspicion

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Author's POV

"It's been days." Yoonhee's concerned voice comes out in a harsh whisper. Her fists clench whost resting on the side of the throne. "Why have the guards not returned?"

"We do not know, your highness. We suspect they have been killed, since they have not returned with Kyungmi. We are trying greatly to get into contact with her again, but it is proving to be difficult." The guard stood in front of her lowers his head, sighing deeply.

"Then I will go myself." She raises from her seat.

"No your majesty, you cannot! You'd be giving yourself up to the King." The guard holds his hand out for her to stop.

"The King wants the Queen, and so he shall." Yoonhee decides. "Which is ironic." She mumbles to herself, as the King technically does have the Queen.

"You must stay in Seoul, Queen Yoonhee. There could be a trap if you go. I will send more guards to go to Daegu." Bowing his head, the guard quickly scurries off out of the room.

Groaning, Yoonhee collapses back into her chair, rubbing her forehead with her hand. She closes her eyes, in wonder of what could've happened to the true Queen.

Her mind settles on one thing - what if she was killed? Yoonhee knows all too well who exactly she was sending to Daegu, and she still allowed it to happen. She immediately starts to blame herself.

"Kyungmi still hasn't returned?" Ayeong then enters the room from overhearing the conversation.

"It's all my fault. I shouldn't have sent her." Yoonhee shakes her head, her eyes still glued shut.

"She seems strong, Yoonhee. I'm sure she's okay." Ayeong's head tilts, her hands clasped behind her back and she steps closer.

Within an instant, Yoonhee's eyes suddenly spring open. Adjusting herself on the throne, a little smile in the corner of her mouth grows. It speads more and more, and she tilts her head to the side.

"And now she's finally out of the picture," she pauses, glancing around at the scene around her. "I can pick up from where I left off."

"What do you mean?" Ayeong's eyebrows furrow.

"She was planning on betraying me anyway, Ayeong. Why do you think she has not returned?" A little lie whisks it's way out of her mouth, standing to her feet and walking over to the girl.

"You think she...betrayed you for the Daegu King?" Ayeong slowly says what she thinks Yoonhee means.

"It's why she volunteered to go. But, I don't need her anymore. The King probably denied her intentions, and killed her on the spot. Her loss." Yoonhee effortlessly shrugs with a smirk.

"Yoonhee, she's your protector. Why would she go against you?" Ayeong protests.

"To take the throne for herself." She simply says, straightening her dress with her hands. "She's always wanted it. Probably why she went to Daegu: for help to overthrow me. But it clearly didn't work." She let's out a little laugh.

"But don't worry little sister," she walks over to Ayeong and places her hands on her shoulder. "I'm not going anywhere."

Yoonhee can sense the humour in her words, because she doesn't even have a younger sister. But if she's going to act, she might as well do it right.

"I'll be in my room if you need me." Ayoeng hesitantly smiles. She doesn't wait for a response and walks out of the room.

However, Ayeong doesn't go to her room like she's said. Instead, she goes to find someone who she's seen a couple times before. She heads outside, and over to the area where the soldiers fight and train.

"Excuse me." Her voice asks a random soldier.

"Good morning, Princess Ayeong. What can I do for you?" The soldier notices her and bows his head.

"I'm looking for a certain soldier who's familiar with the Queen's protector. I saw him speaking to her before she left for Daegu, and I need to speak to him. It's urgent."

"Ah, you mean Namjoon." The soldier nods. "Just a moment." He bows his head and scurries off to find 'Namjoon'.

After a few minutes, the familiar face of the man she saw speaking to Kyungmi comes into view. Namjoon looks at her with a slightly confused look however still comes over.

"I heard you wanted to speak to me, your highness?" Namjoon says with a bow.

"Yes. It's about your friend, Kyungmi." Ayeong replies.

"Has she returned?" Namjoon's face becomes more alert at her name.

"No, unfortunately not." She shakes her head.

With his shoulders slumping his hopeful expression falls. "Please let me go after her, your highness. I can find her and bring her back."

"No, Namjoon. If she hasn't returned then that means it's dangerous in Daegu at the moment." Ayeong raises her hand up. "However, my sister says she had plans to overthrow her and take the thrown for herself. Do you know if this is true?"

Namjoon looks surprised that the Queen has thought and them words. "No, it's not true your highness. Kyungmi has never spoken of doing such a thing. She would never try something like that."

"I thought so too. It sounds like Yoonhee is a little paranoid. She assumes Kyungmi's been killed in Daegu, hence why she hasn't returned." Ayeong slowly nods.

"Killed?" His voice comes out in a whisper. The thought of his best friend being murdered worries him a lot.

"I don't want to believe it either, but there's been no sign of her ever since she set foot in Daegu. So she's either being held captive or...yes, dead." Ayeong heavily sighs, eyes darting to the ground.

Namjoon knows deep down that woman is much stronger than she looks. Even if she is being held captive, she'll find a way to keep herself alive.

"She must be being held captive. Because trust me your highness, I know she's not dead." Namjoon shakes his head in denial, fists slightly clenched at his sides.

"We'll figure out a way of bring her home. In the meantime, keep this conversation only between us." Ayeong concludes.

"Of course, your highness." Namjoon nods and bows his head.

Ayeong hesitates a little before softly smiling. "Call me Ayeong. Thank you for your time, Namjoon."

"You're welcome, Ayeong." Namjoon nods with a little grin too.

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