#24 - Live To Protect

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"You know it's rude to walk into someone's home uninvited." Warily tilting his head, Taehyung scoffs at the woman stood a distance away from him.

She isn't wearing her masquerade dress anymore. It's a smaller one that now clings onto her body, however still fits the role of a Queen. There's about 10 royal guards stood behind her, each with swords gripped in their hands.

They're standing as if something's about to happen. But I have no idea what.

"Where is she?" Yoonhee's loud voice echoes around the hall. Her fists are clenched at her side and doesn't look like she's playing around.

Raising an eyebrow, the King casually looks at his protector. Turning his lips up into a pout he looks back at Yoonhee.

"Sorry, who?"

"Don't play innocent with me. Now where is she?" She scowls at the King's so-called innocence and yells as her anger rises.

The protector, with his hands behind his back, sighs and casually strolls up to the woman with a smile on his lips.

"Sorry lady, but we have no idea who you're talking about."

Yoongi's sentence ends with a slap on the cheek.

With his head turned to the side, he amusingly scoffs, looking down as he begins to feel his own anger rising.

"Lady? How dare you address me in such a manner! You're a disgrace to the royal protectors." Yoonhee hisses, hand tingling from the impact.

Oh, and she's not?

"Please, you're one to talk." Yoongi mumbles loud enough for her to hear.

Yoonhee cocks her head back at his words, eyes narrowing. Yoongi's eyes roll and he walks back to Taehyung.

Taehyung rises from his seat, eyes now glaring hard at the woman from hitting his closest friend.

"I'm not going to say this again, so listen carefully." Striding towards Yoonhee, his face is full of determination and hatred. He halts right before her, not daring to break eye contact.

"If you think you're going to come into my city, my palace, my territory and cause this bullshit and get away with it then you've got another thing coming. Whether you're the Queen of the country or not, it doesn't give you a free pass to do whatever you please. Now get the hell out of my home."

Yoonhee doesn't even flinch. She shows no reaction for a split second, and carrys on staring at the angered man.

"You're agitated. Afraid, I dare say." She calmy speaks, a little grin forming on her lips. "Afraid that I've figured something out."

I need to leave. Now.

But how?

Trying not to make any sudden movements, I carefully turn my head to the left to look at Yoongi.

I know he's noticed me because he begins to walk towards Taehyung slowly, gaze fixed in front of him and hands connected behind his back.

And with one of his hands, he points somewhere in my direction. I follow his finger, eyes settling onto a hallway leading to a staircase downstairs.

It's behind me, and if I'm careful enough I could make it without getting caught. If I stay level with this pillar and move backwards, it'll keep me hidden from Yoonhee and I can escape.

Here goes nothing.

I practically force my left foot to shuffle backwards by the tiniest amount, heart pounding out of my chest. My hands are lying flat on the pillar and refuse to leave it. But as I take another step backwards, I'm once again forced to let go.

Royalty Above All - Kim Taehyung ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now